Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Walk like Indiana Jones!

"2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV" For we walk by faith and not by sight.

I really enjoy the Indiana Jones movies. I mean, how can you not enjoy them? There's action, drama, adventure and comedy. It's got the best of everything rolled into a single action packed movie. We definitely get our monies worth - that is for certain! ;-) In one of the last movies he made with Sean Connery, he was in search of the cup of Christ. Like all of the previous movies, there were a series of tests that he had to complete before he could safely get to the chamber were this artifact was hidden.

This was a very memorable test. In this test he had to walk from one cave entrance to another, however the entrance was 50feet away and there wasn't a visual bridge to connect them. All that was visible was a wide expanse, no bridge, and a very long ways down... So what was he to do? The previous clues, that got him this far, were from basic truths from the Bible. Well, he figured this would be the same, he would have to take a step of faith. He closed his eyes and took a step that should have sent him falling to the bottom of the ravine. However he didn't fall and an invisible bridge allowed him to cross safely to the other side and back. That's pretty amazing - right?

In the movie, Indians Jones definitely "walked by faith and not by sight," and we as Christians must learn to do the same. As he looked across the expanse to the other side and it appeared that there was no possible way across, he took a step believing that there would be a bridge that would carry him across to the other side. In our lives, we are faced with situations that are similar. At first the situation appears hopeless and that there is no possible way that a favorable outcome will occur. But we pray believing that God will make a way and He does.

As we go on in life and we see time and time again how God makes a way when it visibly appears there isn't any - it causes us to trust that God will always make a way no matter what! Each and every time this happens it causes our faith to become stronger and stronger . To where eventually, situations that appear hopeless are now just opportunities for us to watch God do great and mighty works on our behalf. And eventually you'll get to a point and laugh at these situations and say to it - "Please!? Are you serious? Do you know who I am? I'm the child of the most high God and you've got the nerve to come against me! My God will take care of this situation like He ALWAYS has and I'll get to sit back and watch Him handle this!" I know it may seem arrogant to feel like this, but when you see time and time again how God makes things possible and how He delivers us from situations that seem so hopeless, you can't help be confident that you will be victorious because of God's greatness. Even though we walk thru life not knowing what each and everyday will bring, we can know beyond a doubt, that whatever will come our way, we will be able to handle it, cause God's right there. Like the song says, "I walk by faith, each step I take, I put my trust in Him."

Have a day totally blessed by Him!
Brother Rick

1 comment:

  1. What a happy dose of encouragement! Just feeling the enthusiasm in each of your words as I read put a smile on my face! Interesting timing because I just received a response regarding a job that would have put us closer to family - the response was "thank you, but we've chosen other candidates to move forward." How utterly discouraging, right? Well, I've been getting a few of these types of responses lately, but thus far, I'm surprisingly not discouraged! In fact, I actually find myself ENcouraged because I know that whatever God is up to is better than what just shot me down. The initial sense of rejection has given way to abundant feelings of hope and excited expectation. At this point in my life, I am truly walking by faith and not by sight because I have absolutely no idea what God plans to do next – I just know it’s good.

    In the last year, I’ve been on an emotional roller coaster with my faith. At the ride’s low point, I’ve been frustrated because I essentially “don’t know what I want to be when I grow up,” (really quite discouraging when you’re 31 and have already been schooled and trained on your future’s purpose only to find out God’s plans are different) and at its peak, excitedly anticipating the thrill to come. The attendant has yet to bring my coaster to a stop (could it be that I’m my own attendant? If so it follows that I can stop whenever and wherever I want. Interesting thought, huh?), but I’m thankfully finding myself frequenting the top more often than the bottom. I can’t see everything to come in my future, but I find that I’m worrying about it less. Why do we worry anyway? It is such a complete and utter waste of time when we know that the Creator of the Universe is in total control! May I walk forward today in faith that my steps are guided by a holy and perfect God who wants good things for me. Thank you, Rick, for another inspiring message. I feel an Indiana Jones moment coming on right now!
