Tuesday, March 19, 2013

This Thing

"But to stop this thing from spreading any further among the people, we must warn these men to speak no longer to anyone in this name." Acts 4:17

It always has been His Name that bugs people. There as the old song says, is....'just something about that name'. What is that name? His name is Jesus. Talk about church, talk about God even, talk about all the wonderful things that are happening because of Him. Just leave Him and His Name out of it. Can't we just have a nice little religion without the Crucifixion and Resurrection? The teachings are great, many of them are part of other religions. Why do we have to bring Him up all the time. Isn't what we believe in and stand for most important in principle without having to make it personal about a man who lived on this earth, who came from God and was His Son and paid the sacrificial price for sin by dying on a cross, and then resurrected in three days to conquer death and defeat the devil? Why can't we keep it simple? Why make it so messy and complicated?

I find it fascinating that the response from religious people in Peter and John's day is not really about the fact that God had just used them to heal a man crippled from birth. Sure they wanted to silence them, but only because they claimed that it was in Jesus Name they did it and by His authority and His power. So, got to put a lid on "this thing" (isn't that a great description?) before it gets any momentum going or starts to spread like a plague among the people. So in order to make sure "this thing" doesn't get started up, tell these guys never to mention "this name" again. What is that name again? Oh yeah..... JESUS!! Uhoh, I said it again. Somebody may not like it. You know how it is, if somebody is slightly offended or put off or feels anything disquieting or discomforting about anything, we better shut that down. Nobody stir the pot or throw a monkey wrench in the world system. Oh no, whatever you do, don't mention Jesus is the only Savior of the world. That would be problematic. So exactly what is all the fuss about the name of Jesus? If you don't think it is still an issue, just try dropping His Name more often and watch the response of people. Unless they really know Him or know they need Him of course.

Let me pose three reasons why JESUS is an issue and why His Name is such a big deal. 1.) Jesus is like a giant mirror that reflects everyone's sin back on them until they deal with it. 2.) Jesus is the paramount reminder that God is in control and we are not 3.) Jesus changes everything including the world system

That means our values have to change, we have to change, religion has to change, the power structures have to change, the game is over (and you know how we love playing games). Well, Peter and John basically respond to the order to stop speaking in His Name by saying, 'who should we obey? you or God?' Gotta love these guys. I too. am gonna go with God. No matter what anybody says. I am also gonna go to breakfast now and if any opportunity to mention Jesus comes up (it usually does) I am gonna seize that opportunity and be a blessing. By the way, Jesus loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.

In His Name, Pastor Fred

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