Monday, March 18, 2013

We Urge You, Our Friends

"We urge you, our friends, to warn the idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone." 1Thessalonians 5:14

I like lists. Lists of things to do, lists of things to remember, lists of data and information, lists of names and lists of trivial information. All kinds of lists. In my study of God's Word lists are always great for me because they are easier to memorize. For example if there are four things on the list, such as in this verse I know I have the verse memorized when I come up with all four things.

The title of this devotional is just the opening of the list of four things Paul tells us as Christians to do. He says that he urges us as friends to do them, so they must be urgent or important. In a nice way he is directing us to apply the appropriate action to the specific group of people. As for the idle, we should warn them. Doesn't do any good to encourage them or try to help them, but as with everyone we should be patient with them. The idle need to be warned. Warned that they are wasting their lives. Warned that time is passing by. Warned that laziness is unproductive. Warned that God expects us not to be idle. Not to be stuck in neutral. To put it in drive and get on the move. Just don't stand there, or worse yet sit there or lay there. Do something. It is a lot easier to direct something that is in motion than to move something that is stuck.

As for the timid, no need to warn them, that would scare them. No need to try to help them because that would just codepend or enable them. We should encourage the timid. Speak words of hope to them. Build them up. Bolster their self confidence. Cheer them on. Give them lots of praise and positive reinforcement. Of course being patient as with everyone.

As for the weak, we should help them. They need a helping hand. Lend them a strong hand. Do something that lightens their load. No need to encourage them as the main way to assist. Words won't be enough, we must get involved and do something. The weak need the strong and to be helped with patience. The Word of God is so instructive. It really does make sense what it says, how it says it and in what order and emphasized the way it is written.

I hope this brief Bible Study on 1 Thessalonians 5:14 has inspired you. If you are weak, I hope it gave you a tool to make you stronger. If you are idle I hope it has warned you to change. If you are timid I hope you have been encouraged and built up. No matter what your tendencies are I hope you know that it takes time and that God is patient and kind and merciful and gracious with us. Whatever you need He can provide. Whatever you should give to others He will guide. I know I am inspired just writing this to listen better and to appropriately give counsel as needed.

In His Service, Pastor Fred

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