Monday, October 28, 2013


"But when our time was up, we left and continued on our way. All the disciples and their wives and children accompanied us out of the city, and there on the beach we knelt to pray. After saying goodbye to each other, we went aboard the ship, and they returned home." Acts 21:5-6

The Bible is the Word of God. Every verse is good for doctrine or reproof. It is our only source for faith and practice. That being said, it is also, especially here in Acts, a chronicle of what early believers did. I don’t know is Paul or Luke’s wives and kids were in this number, but it important that we always remember that ministry, mission and outreach always affect the whole family. That is part of why we have a Christian school. It is why we have Childcare and Children’s Church. It is why we do a Christmas Musical and have Christmas Eve Service. We are and must more so be a church that is not only about the teaching, ministry and evangelism, it is about the spouse and children. Single people without children also went to the beach that day to pray, because church is about family. Picture it—A bunch of Christians, all ages, kneeling on the beach together to pray. Praying for God’s will and safety and for new believers. Real people, just like when we have baptized at the beach and the church family came. I am sure there were hugs and kisses, encouragement and concern. Living the faith in Bible days was as real as it is today. Trying to keep the kids quiet, trying to hear. A few tears, and that sense of excitement that we are part of what God is doing. I hope you feel like you are a real part of a church family. Someone who could kneel and pray on the beach with brothers and sisters. We together are part of His ministry, even we you return home.

In Your Family of Faith,
Pastor Fred

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