Thursday, June 12, 2014

Unintentional Sin

"If the whole Israelite community sins unintentionally and does what is forbidden in any of the Lord’s commands, even though the community is unaware of the matter, they are guilty."
Leviticus 4:13
Though we are under grace and not under the law, we have much to learn from the Law of Moses. The Ten Commandments for starters; Most of us couldn’t name 7 or 8 of them. This passage is talking about sin offerings. You see, before Jesus paid the price on the cross for our sin, sacrificial offerings were made in order to raise the consciousness of God’s people about their sins. Not just individual sin, but community sin. Not just intentional sin, but unintentional sin. In this verse specifically, unintentional community sin. What could this be today? When we become aware of unintentional community sin we should be reminded of Christ’s sacrifice for it and that we should have our consciousness raised and respond by correcting what is wrong. We have a hard enough time admitting and owning up for our personal sin, much less our group sin for which we love to pass the blame or responsibility. Let me name some unintentional community sins and then you can consider Jesus and what He might advise the members of the community to do about it.

a. human trafficking d. abortion g. graft
b. hunger e. licentiousness h. blight
c. child abuse f. pornography i. addiction
Just saying that we don’t think about it or do anything about it enough.
Pastor Fred

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