Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Doing Right

"Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow." Isaiah 1:17

I recently received a newsletter from a young missionary who stated this verse as part of her motivation for responding to a call from God to dedicate her life to helping minister with women and children who are being sex trafficked in India. I am sure she is earnestly following the first part of the verse and has stopped doing wrong and is learning to do right. As a matter of fact, she is training right now for this venture of faith. She certainly has chosen an excellent verse to illustrate why she is passionate about her call. She indeed will be seeking justice and deliverance of the oppressed and encouraging them, too. She will defend the cause of those poor, victimized and defenseless, unprotected children and plead the case of widows in the process too. She will be doing exactly what The Word says. I find this hugely inspirational and motivating, and I will pray for her cause and calling.

Many young people today are beginning to adopt a fresh Biblical Worldview that makes me hopeful. I know of another young missioner who very recently returned from a month-long service project in Ethiopia, and I am so looking forward to hearing her heart and perspective of what she saw and did. Yet another 20-something texted me yesterday about their upcoming participation in a conference in England called 'Creationfest' that she has whole-heartedly committed to attend. Another young woman I know is promoting a fundraising event for a disease she is afflicted with and wants to reach out to others. I want to encourage all of us who know of young people doing witness, charitable, mission and ministry work to pray for them and encourage them as they seek to find and do His Will.

There are many, many good things happening in and through the dedicated lives of young adults in Grace Harbor and others close by. Be a blessing to those who are responding to the Lord's voice. They are indeed rising up and moving forward, advancing the gospel, and God's love, and compassion. In order for any of us to serve we must first, stop doing wrong, then be willing to learn and then the opportunities will open for us to do what The Word says we should do. Amen for the passionate young believers who are the future of the work of His Kingdom.

In His Service with them,
Pastor Fred

1 comment:

  1. I remember a time when I was doing everything wrong and when I stopped, I grew frustrated with God for not moving in my life. It turned out, however, that I was doing very little right. I think this is a point that needs to be stressed for everyone, regardless of spiritual maturity level. I's not enough to just stop doing what is wrong. We need to go a step further and do what is right. I think this is a critical element of moving forward with God that we often and easily miss. I've heard it said that it takes 21 days to break a habit, and if that's true then it should also take 21 days to form a new one, right? I pray that God leads me beyond just stopping wrong behavior, and moves me deep into doing right behavior. May my every 21 days be filled with forming a new and right behavior pattern!

    Thank you, Pastor Fred!
