Thursday, July 14, 2011


"Therefore, encourage each other and build each other up." 1Thessalonians 5:11

My perception is that being a Christian isn't going to get any easier, and probably will get harder in coming years. Even more reason to follow the counsel that Paul gives the church in Thessalonica, telling them to encourage each other.

Encourage is an interesting word. At its root is the word 'courage' and by putting the prefix 'en' in front the definition becomes to do and say whatever good thing possible to make us more courageous.

In the second half of the verse, Paul suggests that we build one another up, inferring that we shouldn't tear each other down. We should work together to help each other by adding to our mutual efforts to make it easier to be a Christian, not harder. We should be 'brick layers' not 'brick throwers'. It is so easy to ruin someone's positive outlook and so hard to turn around a negative one. We live in a culture of teasing, trash-talking and put downs which makes it pretty difficult to give and receive encouragement. We already have the devil to deal with, and his minions. Then, there is "the world" which keeps getting worldlier, and on top of that our own selves can be kinda discouraging too.

In such a climate, a fresh breeze, a sweet word, a gentle touch, can be so soothing, calming, and encouraging. We are on the same team, Right? Of course we are. The infighting of the Body of Christ is tragic and I'm afraid legendary. Paul tried to deal with it, and I am quoting him today dealing with it again. BE NICE SAINTS!! Life, the Christian Life is hard and none of us need trouble from those who should ease our troubles. Don't react or overreact either. Give some love today and watch it spread. Especially, among Believers. He loves us, love one another.

Be an encouragement today. Don't be a discouragement today, or tomorrow either, try to go all week without spreading bad news. Have you heard any Good News? Spread it around and encourage each other. We need it, you need it, I need it. God expects nothing less.

Be Encouraged,
Pastor Fred

1 comment:

  1. I'm thankful to be a part of such an amazing team at Grace Harbor. I've never met a more "encouraging" group of people. Thank you, Pastor, for your always encouraging words! I'm encouraged to the point of looking for someone to now encourage!
