Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Elders and Young Men

"The elders are gone from the city gate; the young men have stopped their singing." Lamentations 5:14

Recently, Lamentations moved very near to the top of the list of books that I haven't read in a long time. As I was reading Jeremiah's sorrowful lament about Jerusalem and about God's people, I began to realize why he was so sad and weeping. The great city was being compared to Sodom (that's not good) and God's people are very, very far from His will. Idolatry and sin were out of control and everywhere Jeremiah looked was more evidence of just how far from God everything had gotten.

In verse 14 is an illustration that couples the young and old. The elders, in the 'glory days' would sit in the city gate and speak about politics, culture, and most importantly the things of God. The further God's people are away from Him the less they talk about Him.

I am encouraged by how easily and inspirationally the elders of Grace Harbor speak of the Lord. I hear them regularly respond to the messages, to what they are studying and making constant reference to His Word and its power in conversation and testimony. The elders are definitely in the city gates sharing their faith.

The second half of the verse speaks of the young men singing. Another signal of God's people flourishing spiritually is when the young men sing. Wow, we are sure experiencing that in Grace Harbor!! Several of our young men have dedicated themselves to the worship ministry. They are even writing new songs for His glory. What does this mean? We see evidence of being in His will and flourishing God is doing a good thing with all ages in our church family.

We should be glad and celebrate the evidence of His blessing. I am not weeping, I am smiling!

Pastor Fred

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