Monday, February 27, 2012

Marvelous Deeds

"Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone does marvelous deeds. Praise be to His glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and Amen." Psalm 72:18-19

Today, I am in a double Amen mood! Today, I am indeed praising God for His marvelous deeds. I am praying right now that everyone will be as filled full of hope and joy as I am. All because I am seeing progress and momentum building in the Grace Harbor family and facility.

Decades of 'labors of love' have been willingly and sacrificially poured into this ministry I care about so deeply. Many wonderful and precious things that have touched the lives of countless people have been accomplished here over the years. Grace Harbor has withstood storms, attacks from within and without, and because what I believe to be the protective hand of God, we are still standing. Not only standing mind you, but full of hope and gladness as we are seeing even more marvelous things happening. Whether in the life of a church or school or an individual or family, when God begins to bless, two things always happen. One, the enemy tries to disrupt and divide and generally cause trouble. Secondly, if we faithfully, in unity, move ahead, even more blessings happen.

Sometimes, some folks have a hard time endorsing progress, especially if they are not driving it. But, there is no denying that the marvelous deeds that God is behind in Grace Harbor cannot be stifled by the defeated enemy of God's will, or any naysayers, doubters or troublemakers, either. I am so encouraged in the spirit because I see the hand of God at work, through us and in spite of us, too. Join me in praising Him. Join me in being positive. Join me in enjoying His marvelous deeds. How about a double Amen for God! How about a word of appreciation for the progress people and the makeover artists. How about we catch the wave of this momentum building and trust God to take us where He is leading us.

Don't be a spoil-sport or a critic. As my good friend Stan Spaulding once said to me... 'You can either be a cheerleader or a critic in life.' If God is in it, Stan would say, "Rah, Rah, Rah!!! He was such a cheerleader for me and he would love all the marvelous deeds God is allowing to happen. This is just the beginning of what God can do. Double Amen to that. Let's all cheer together now. "Rah, Rah, Rah!!!"

With His Joy!
Pastor Fred

1 comment:

  1. I suddenly feel like putting on a cheerleader uniform and doing leg kicks, but since that would be a dreadfully unsightly scene, I'll just clap my hands and holler "Amen, Praise God," and "Hallelujah!" from the sidelines. God is indeed good and I thank you, Pastor Fred, for your exciting sentiments and joyful contagion! This was one of those devotionals that just made me smile. GO TEAM GOD!
