Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rich or Poor

"Rich and poor have this in common, the Lord is maker of them all" Proverbs 22:2

I recently was invited to an event in a rather wealthy gated neighborhood. Dawn needed to go to another family event so I represented us. Since Dawn drove our better car, I drove my father-in-law's work van since my other car is unreliable. After an inordinate and overly scrutinizing gatekeeper interview, I then wove my way back through some rather prestigious homes until I finally found my destination. I was significantly early so decided to park up the street to return some texts and calls. Since the event was being held on a cul-de-sac, I parked half a block away so as not to take up too much parking with my oversized vehicle. As I turned my wheels into the curb I spotted the cutest white poodle with pink ribbons, positioned in the picture window of the house I was parked in front of.

This dog was not going to have any part of me being there either. The poodle starts having a full-on cardiac panic attack; including jumping the height of the window, and running in circles on the big white sectional couch. The owner came out immediately and said to me... "May I help you?... You are scaring my dog." To which I replied, "Oooh sorry, I'm early for an event down the street. So I am parked here to not take up too many spaces." "What event?”, he retorted. I explained and right at that time his wife pulls up in her Cadillac to ask... "Are you the caterer or something?""No Ma'am, I'm actually an invited guest to the event." They both looked at my vehicle and frowned. I explained about my car situation and they literally frowned again, and walked away. The poodle freaked out again, so I moved across the street for 15 minutes. The thought came to me how this would not have happened in my neighborhood and how I felt kinda guilty about not having a nicer car. I felt so out of place, like I didn't measure up, and like we didn't have anything in common. Then, I suddenly remembered how I felt when I was on the mission field with real poverty all around me and how I wondered how those people felt and marveled at how happy they were in spite of their situation. Miserable, uptight wealthy people--- happy, relaxed poor people. What is up with that?

Then this verse came to me. What humanity has in common whether rich or poor, is that the Lord is maker of us all. We all must reckon with the lot in life we have been given and/or chosen, and what we do with that is up to us. We can choose happiness or misery. The thought did cross my mind that these folks with the poodle and the chandelier, the Cadillac and the big picture window, may not get invited too many places, and how the poor people I had met always invited everyone.

I decided that our common ground was important and I prayed for happier days ahead for them. As I was leaving I couldn't resist looking across the street and sure enough, the couple and the poodle were peeking through the blinds. I smiled broadly and waved as I fired up the old catering van and made my way back to my own little gated community, next door to the church.
Wow, really good to be home again. Don't forget the common ground between rich and poor.

In Him,
Pastor Fred


  1. Pastor Fred, thank you for the reminder about our common ground, and for the chuckle as I envisioned the barking poodle. I bet it was nice to be back home :)

  2. This is so awesome. You're a great story teller P. Fred :) what a blessing to read. Thanks!
