Wednesday, April 18, 2012

He Can Bring You Joy

"anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy." Psalm 94:19

It is a good thing when verses of scripture offer comfort and encouragement. I believe that the simple truth of David’s words can be taken at face value and we can know that when dealing with anxiety, His consolation can actually give us joy. I have experienced this. That joy that comes in the midst of trouble, seemingly for no reason, other than remembering that God is in control, and accepting that fact.

Anxiety comes and goes. I have never been anxious for weeks or even days, usually for moments or minutes, and sometimes for a few hours, but never for an extended period of time. I can’t maintain it for very long, it’s exhausting. I get anxious over meetings or appointments, and around certain people, and when facing the unknown. Scripture says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything give thanks and prayerfully present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6 paraphrased) That is where the peace that passes understanding comes from, when we let go, and give it to God. I do this pretty regularly.

People fill my life with a fair share of drama, overreaction, and pettiness, so it seems I get to experience a lot of peace and joy from the Lord that He provides when I surrender having to “fix things”, or “deal with people”, or “cope with Fred’s issues”. And just trust Him. That is the simple lesson of this verse in Psalm 94 and the principle stands on its own, but let me address an issue the whole Psalm is addressing, because it is important.

David’s anxiety comes from wondering who will stand against oppression, injustice, corruption, and wickedness. He is consoled remembering that it is God who is the ultimate judge and He will repay evil. So, I take more counsel from David. Not only the anxiety of my own personal fears are consolable by Him, but also the big worries about others, my family, my church, my country, and the fallen world I live in. I cannot stem the tide of worldliness, materialism, and human suffering, but I CAN SERVE GOD. The same God who can calm me, can calm the stormy sea I live in. There, I feel better already; consoled, and even a little joyful.

Thank you Lord,
Pastor Fred

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