Monday, April 9, 2012

His Glory

"Restore us O Lord God Almighty; make your face to shine upon us, that we may be saved."
Psalm 80:3,19

I believe two things that are pretty fundamental to my faith. One, that we are "once saved, always saved", eternally secure, and that we are in the process of "working out our salvation" at the same time. Though seemingly contradictory both principles really do fit together just fine. I am irreversibly redeemed. After all, if I am truly saved, how can I be unsaved? Though my salvation is secure I am still in the process of maturing within that salvation. My salvation happened, is happening and will ultimately happen. (I am available to discuss this if I totally have lost you)

This understanding allows me to talk about restoration as an event and a process simultaneously. Knowing this keeps me from both arrogant legalism and cheap grace. When we ask for restoration we need not be re-saved. We must though, be re-fellowshipped and recommitted and renewed. So that then we shall be saved, ultimately.

Probably more important than the fine tuning or semantics of that theological or doctrinal concept is exactly how does restoration happen? The key here for me between the ongoing process of restoration (admit it, we experience his restorative grace repeatedly) and being finally in His presence forever are the words between the commas. “make your face to shine upon us” to me represents experiencing His Glory. I wholeheartedly think this is what we need.

When we see the glow or shine of His Glory, that is the opportunity for total recognition of Him on the deepest level and ignites the restorative process. We can access this any time. His glory is ever-present. We need only to consider who He is, the sum total of His character, His sovereignty, power, grace, love, providence, beauty and perfection. This is His glory. When we see His face, meaning all of this that He is, what He has done, is doing and will do, we then can behold His glory, and we should be humbled, touched, blessed or whatever else we think we could need in order to be restored.

OK...... I have got to share this. You know how many times we talk about His name? His name's sake? The name of Jesus? Whenever I hear His name, I remember His face (not literally, like a photograph) but what it represents. His glory. Are you with me? This encourages me, keeps me in check, makes life meaningful, gives me purpose, releases my angst and controls my wandering thoughts. This in turn keeps me in the process. The process of my salvation. My ongoing restoration and spiritual maturation.

Hope this made you think a little or encouraged somebody on a deeper level. I pray that we will indeed experience His face shining upon us and that it will give us peace, and hope, and faith.

In the light of His glory,
Pastor Fred

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