Thursday, April 12, 2012

More Blessed to Give than Receive

"remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35b

You may not find these words that Jesus said in your red letter Bible. This is Paul quoting something he knew was said by Jesus. Since Paul never saw Jesus in the flesh, this saying must have been commonly attributed to Jesus. Yet, in the Gospels it is never quoted as words from Jesus, but, it is also says in Scripture that not everything Jesus said or did was recorded, because all the Books ever written could not contain that.

My spin on this is that Jesus indeed said it, and that the Disciples talked about it. Remember, it is Luke who writes Acts and surely as he penned these words of Paul's, he knew he had heard them before. So, what about what it means. Paul quotes Jesus to offset all the complaining going on. That may have been also the context in which Jesus said it originally, to counter complaining. The more you give, the more likely you could begin to wonder when the giving might stop and the receiving could begin, that is for sure. I think, it is not the receivers that burn out the givers, I think it is the takers. Some just take and take, and never give. That is why we are admonished to give as unto the Lord and not worry too much about who might be taking too much. This is not easy. Especially when statistics reveal so much. It all comes down to that 'blessed' part. If you enjoy the blessing, just give, if you start keeping score the blessing turn to bitterness.

That is why I am glad Paul shares what he heard Jesus said, because it really is more blessed to give than to receive. Even if I don't feel it all the time, it is still true. What is true is true, because it is true, and never because of how I feel or not. So, may you be more blessed in your giving. I think I will be.

In Him!
Pastor Fred

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