Thursday, February 12, 2015


“For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” 1 Peter 2:25

As Peter encourages the scattered and persecuted believers, he draws an illustration from Isaiah 53, where the beautiful picture of the coming Messiah is illustrated. Indeed, we are like sheep (not the smartest animals on the farm) and we need shepherding. Jesus is the Great Shepherd, the perfect Shepherd. He tends to us like His flock and makes every effort to keep us under His care. But, we stray. Physically we lose contact with His flock and Him. Emotionally we are led astray by our feelings, and mentally we are scattered in our thoughts. He loves His sheep so much; He would die for each one. He did die for each of us to have a way through redemption to return to Him. We are inwardly drawn to Him. We know our need for guidance, and protection, and we are painfully aware of our tendency to be prone to wander away. We forget our vulnerability, we assume our own strength, and we are tempted by greener pastures or alluring opportunities. So, we have to constantly attach to Him, our Shepherd, our Overseer, and our Lord. We belong in a flock, for safety, fellowship, discipleship, worship, and service.

Please don’t stray, stay close. Be in His flock specifically somewhere. It is His plan, design and desire.

I am His sheep, too.
Pastor Fred

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