Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Be Still My Soul

Psalm 131:2a "But I have stilled and quieted my soul."

The verse preceding this one in Psalm131 talks about not being proud with haughty eyes, and thinking more of ourselves than we ought to or should. I have said the words that are the title of this devotional to myself many times. Be still my soul. Sometimes it works; sometimes I have to try harder. Our souls can be restless more often than we'd like to admit. We are restless with worries and anxieties, restless with plots and schemes and drama, restless with a lack of faith, restless with anger, and un-forgiveness and restless with control and a lack of self control. We need to be able to still and quiet our souls. How do we do this?

I have found three ways that work best and most often for me. There are probably more ways but these are the ones that come to mind that I can share with you and I hope they help you to find some peace and solace within you today.

#1 Talking to God... I was going to say praying, but we say that so often that it seems to go in one ear and out the other. Think of praying more as talking to God. Let it all out with Him. (Do take as long to listen once you've vented) Really let Him know what you are thinking and feeling, even about the drama, worries, anger and lack of self control. He can hear it and is listening and will respond. When I talk to Him and listen to Him, I get more and more quiet and still.

#2 Meditating on His Word... I was going to say Bible Study but we say that so often that it seems to go in one ear and out the other. Think about the content of His Word and run it through your mind over and over again. This actually serves as a mental cleansing process. Picture His Truth as a washrag that you could put in one ear and pull out the other, now pull it back and forth a few times. This cleansing motion can bring great relief to our bad ideas and self-centered feelings. Ever notice that a really hot shower (or cold one if needed) helps to make us relax and be still and quiet. I like to run that hot water across the back of my neck for a couple of minutes. Good for the circulation and it also gives me a couple of quiet and still minutes to sort out my thinking which is probably just as valuable.

#3 Serving the Lord... I was going to say Helping Others, but we say that so often that it seems to go in one ear and out the other. (Save the in one ear and out the other process for the spiritual washrag illustration ok?) It is true though; that if you lose yourself in something you can do for the Lord (usually for others in some way) it surely stills and quiets the soul. On Monday mornings I go to Panera Bakery before 7am and pick up the bread donation every week. I am ready to let someone else do it, but you know what? I enjoy it, because it quiets and stills me to just do something labor intensive to clear my mind and put me in perspective early in the week. After I pick it up I take it to the church and sort some sweets out for the staff and then bag up the rest for staff and school families. As I bag it up I talk to early arrivers and offer them bagels, bread and goodies as they leave. Then the Food Ministry takes the rest and distributes it to those in need later in the morning. I used to set up the chairs in the Worship Center. I used to police the church grounds for trash. I used to pick up the toys that are left out on the playground. Someone else does this most of the time now. Even if someone else takes on the Panera Bread Ministry, I will need to do something else similar because it is good for me. It quiets and stills my soul. What do you do that does that for you?

I hope these ideas help you to find some quiet and stillness in your soul. If you are restless, you might want to try doing something about it. It’s really up to you. If you make an effort the Lord will take care of the rest.

In His Service, Pastor Fred

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