Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Peace Be Upon Israel

Psalm 128:6b "Peace be upon Israel."

Peace being upon Israel should be very important to us. Why? Because it represents peace in general. Think about it, has there ever been much peace in Israel? Not really. Shalom is the Hebrew word for peace. It is spoken as a blessing. To speak peace to someone, be it nation, people or person is to bless them. Many times recently in our worship and in the messages we have been dealing with the concept of peace. Mostly from the perspective of all of us wanting to experience peace or know peace. We all have an inner longing for peace. For good reasons.

Conflict is a given. By our very nature we are at war with ourselves (the conflict within, between our sin nature and our new nature), we are also conflicted with one another and with the world (again, because of our sinful nature and the fact or living in a fallen world) This makes us each and all prime candidates for peacemaking. The path to peace is reconciliation. We must be reconciled with God, subsequently with ourselves and with each other. This peace comes from atonement. The only means whereby peace can be made with God is by sacrifice. That sacrifice must be perfect. Peace only comes from accepting the blood atonement of Jesus Christ for sin. God sent Jesus to make a way to peace.

Oh how Israel needs Jesus. He is the only way to peace. He is also the only way to peace for the entire Muslim world. We must not waiver on our firm commitment to keep pointing to Jesus as the answer to all the world's conflicts. He is the only one who can bring lasting peace in any conflict. Especially between Jew and Muslim. Peace, in its simplest form begins with me. There is a song that hardly gets sung anymore , but is so true. It goes like this.....

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me
With every breath I take, let this be my solemn plea
To take each moment and live each moment, in peace eternally
Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

Consider this. Could it be that the only eternal peace possible is made with the only eternal God, who has provided us with one way to peace. Reconciliation through salvation, through the atonement of Jesus Christ on the cross. Hmmmmm. I don't mean to sound too simplistic here, but seems to me that we ought to offer Jesus to everyone. Oh, I know that the Jews and Muslims alike will be inclined to reject and resist, but, remember it is the Spirit who convicts and woos. Our efforts to witness have been so thwarted and ignored, but we should not lose heart. We must redouble our efforts to share the gospel.

Jesus is the answer and He is the only way and if there is to be peace in Israel, it will come from Him, because of Him and for His glory. The good news is spread one soul at a time and we must be the agents of peacemaking and reconciliation. Join me in a recommitment to share the Prince of Peace.

In His Service, Pastor Fred

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