Friday, October 15, 2010

Living Life

Our Friday Devotion comes to us from Council Member, Char Adams:

Our daily devotionals are intended to add uplifting thoughts to brighten one's day, and for me, without exception, they do just that. Recently, I came across an eloquent writing entitled "An inspirational journey through life", as depicted on a framed artwork of a tree by artist Bonnie Mohr, titled "Living Life." I was moved by the simplicity of the thoughts expressed therein and figured maybe this would appeal to someone else also. At first, as I started to read it, I thought, "oh no, is this yet another answer to life from a wordly perspective only?" Yet, by Line 7, I was convinced for sure that it was worth sharing because the author was doing nothing more than imploring us to live our lives from these GODly perspectives - "Go to church", "Take time for prayer", "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh", "Do not worry", "Forgive".

With that said, I'll now share the entire piece. Just as you read along, I am sure that several Scriptures will come to mind from "many" (many) places in God's Word where you'll find the very thoughts set out as GOD's plan for how we should live our lives.

"Living Life"
Life is not a race - but indeed a journey.
Be honest. Word hard. Be choosy.
Say "thank you", "I Love You', and "great job" to someone each day.
Go to church, take time for prayer.
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh.
Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper.
Love your life and what you've been given; it is not accidental.
Search for your purpose and do it as best you can.
Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become
that which you aspire to be.
Laugh often.
Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them.
Some of the best things really are free.
Do not worry - less wrinkles are more becoming.
Forgive - it frees the soul.
Take time for yourself - plan for longevity.
Recognize the special people you've been blessed to know.
Live for today. Enjoy the moment.

Although I'm not the catalog shopper that I used to be, I still receive just about every catalog that's printed. I am glad for that because every so often, I come across a jewel like this one. I plan to make an early Christmas present of it to the Family Room in our home to compliment the other framed tree artwork gracing our walls.

In your reading or devotional time, I'd suggest it would be worth the effort to find matching Scriptures for the "life living" thoughts expressed in "Living Life". I hope this added a smile to your day.

Have a blessed weekend, and remember to especially pray for the men of Grace Harbor Church & School for their refreshing time away on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning for the Men's Retreat in Big Bear.

In Him, Charlotte Adams

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