Thursday, October 28, 2010

“God Remembers”

Psalm 132:1 "O Lord, remember David, and all the hardships he endured."

First of all, let me remind you that even though God forgives and remembers our sin no more, He does remember everything that we endure that glorifies Him. This thought blesses me today. The tough times and efforts of our lives that were done in service to Him and all the sacrifices made and losses endured, if done with sincere heart they glorify His Name. We do not do anything that isn't noticed by God, not just our sins either, our service is recognized and God does remember all that we've done towards accomplishing His will in our lives.

This Psalm is dedicated to celebrating the arrival of the Arc of the Covenant in Jerusalem. David went through a lot in his life and the anonymous writer of this Psalm begins with a request of God to remember David and all the hardships that he faced in his life. From giants to shame, from victory to defeat. From one end of his life to the other, David was a man after God's own heart and God remembered that and glorified Himself because of what David endured. All is not for nothing. Everything done for Him is of value and God remembers.

We all endure things. We are patient and tolerant at least to a degree and we survive many pitfalls, poor choices attacks of the enemy and so on. But, we also serve Him, love Him, praise Him and do many things for the purpose of His glory. God is aware of this and remembers what we do. We should think of this not for the purpose of exalting ourselves, but instead, so we don't forget to keep doing what we should be doing.

I know I grow weary of "the high road" as I have come to call it. That way of doing things that focuses on what is right and best and always consider what Jesus would do and how. The value of doing things for Him, His way is that He remembers and He glorifies Himself when we do it for Him, sometimes just because it is the right thing to do. I am grateful today to be reminded that He remembers. Have you ever had someone remember something you did that blessed them that you had completely forgotten about? Or, someone tells you of something that happened years ago and you had no idea that it was such a blessing to them? When this happens I always want to say 'Praise the Lord', because that's why I try to do what I do. For Him. It blesses me a lot today to consider that God remembers, because we so often forget. We seem to too often forget the good and always remember the bad. He remembers the good and forgets the bad. I'm so glad He is not like us. Let us not forget to appreciate Him for that. We should also remember to apply to others what is good for us.

With His Love and Mine, Pastor Fred

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