Monday, October 25, 2010

The Record of Sins

Psalm 130:3 "If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand?"

Please allow me to answer the rhetorical question presented in this Psalm..... uhhhh NOBODY!! If indeed, God kept a record of our sins or did not forgive completely, nobody could stand before Him. There are two very interesting points that we should consider as we are eternally grateful for His grace and mercy that forgives us. One, there then is a record of all unforgiven sin. What an overwhelming thought that is. In this high tech age we are coming to understand that what we do, especially in the cyber world, is part of a permanent record. I shudder to think how many volumes the unforgiven sins of mankind could fill. Can you imagine the grace it takes to forgive all the repented sin?

O Lord, thank you for taking our sins on yourself and for removing them as far as the east is from the west and for burying them in the deepest sea to be remembered no more. Even though this is true, the consequences of our sins are still due and payable. Sometimes God somehow shows us grace and mercy in this regard also, but for the most part all of us will need to account in this lifetime for what we have said and done. Add to that our thought life. Oh my, O Lord, thank you again for your grace and mercy.

Aren't you grateful that God is not keeping score on believers? Aren't you aghast at the reality that He is keeping score on unbelievers? This is why we must share the gospel and try to bring people to the saving grace of Christ, because someday the ledgers of our life must be rectified and only His blood can cancel out the debts that will be owed. This very thought touches my deepest inner core. Life is so precious and time is so short, there are people choosing to go to hell every day, and for eternity too (not just for a scare the hell out of you visit either). This is a eternal life and eternal condemnation decision that is made by each and every human being.

No wonder Jesus suffered so much. No wonder He agonized so much. No wonder the Holy Spirit is grieved and the Father's heart must be broken. O Lord, forgive us for not sharing and for missing the divine appointments we have been given to share the good-news. What does God want us to do? He wants us to be part of His redemptive plan. Our primary purpose is to fulfill His will, to not only share His love, but His salvation with everyone we possibly can.

Someday I will get to go home to be with Jesus. What a blessing that will be. Until then, I want to live this life in such a way that not only honors Him, but also shines like a light. A light of witness. A witness that tells of His love and plan to redeem every soul. Since I can stand, because of His mercy and am still standing because of His grace I should stand up and testify whenever there is opportunity. He does not keep a record of sins for those of us who know Him. But, for those who don't He does. Let us share with them that there is hope and that judgment can be avoided. I hope that you will consider seriously the potential eternal consequences of your choices. I know I will.

In His Service, Pastor Fred

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