Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Faith and Storms

"One day Jesus said to His disciples, Let's go over to the other side of the lake. So they got into a boat and set out. As they sailed, He fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. The disciples went and woke Him, saying, Master, Master, we’re going to drown! He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. Where is your faith? He asked His disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another. Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey Him." Matthew 8:22-25

In this passage are two great questions and two amazing statements. Let's deal with the statements first. Jesus simply says that they should go over to the other side of the lake. Don't you think He knows there is a squall coming up on the lake? He knows that when He lays down to catch a nap too. The purpose of the boat ride is to test their faith. They didn't do very well. What Jesus wanted was for them to have the same kind of faith that allowed them to readily and willingly get in the boat in the first place to be the same obedient, trusting faith they utilize when the storms come. Just trust and obey, no matter the circumstance. Easy to say huh? I believe that no matter what happens today that Jesus is gonna get me through it. That is, until something actually starts to happen. When stuff happens I must exercise and use my faith. Not faith to be fearless or even strong, just faith to believe that He is in control. He is you know.

The second amazing statement is the one by the disciples. They basically panic and claim that they are gonna drown. "The sky is falling, the sky is falling" Many have said this over the years and it has yet to happen. I have thought I was dying or some form of drowning a number of times. I have also believed that some facet of my world was in imminent danger too. You know the categories..... family, finances, relationships, work and anything else I can't control completely or handle at the moment. So the faith battle goes. Interesting though that we are all so willing to get in the boat but want out as soon as it starts to rock a little. Interesting dynamics between us and Him, too.

First question belongs to Jesus. Where is your faith? Great question. Uhhh, back on the shore? Uhhh, what faith? Maybe our faith is napping. Maybe our faith needs to based on what we believe and who we have faith in and not on how we feel or the storms around us. What is the worst case scenario anyway? I could die somehow and go to heaven. I can deal with that. The pain factor is a little unnerving or the sentimentality of the woulda, coulda, shoulda questions. But really, what do I have to fear? Nothing. He is worthy of my trust and I should just obey Him and trust Him in everything. Every time we ask; "God, where are you", we should think immediately; Where is my faith? He is right where He said He would be. We are not gonna drown unless that is His plan.

Last question comes from the disciples. Great question. Basically, who is this guy? Once each of us as individuals answer this simple question we should be able to get in the boat, weather the storms, get out of the boat, get in the boat again, weather the storms... etc etc. So, to end this devotional today, I challenge you to use your faith. Speak it out loud, including the dumb questions too. God where are you? Right here Pastor Fred. What am I gonna do God? What do you want me to do Lord? Is everything gonna be ok? Yes Fred, it is. Now....... can we get in the boat? I really do love boat rides don't you? Storms aren't that bad either, as long as I trust Him through them. So, come in from the storms of life and see what God is doing. Hope this is encouraging to your faith.

Trusting the Captain of the ship,
Pastor Fred

1 comment:

  1. Encouraging, indeed! Ironically, a “storm” at night can be just the sound and surrounding atmosphere I need to draw me into a peaceful sleep (I've been having more of those lately - thanks for the prayers!). I love the sound of thunder and rain as it hits the window. The more amplified the sounds, the better. What is it about those sounds? Raindrops falling on the ground and thunder booming across the sky…I absolutely love them. Sam even has some application on his iPad that streams the sounds across our room at night. My personal favorite is the combination of crickets and campfire (reminds me of living in the country – I think I’m going to have to move to Montana one day) but the storms run a close second, if not a tie, to first. I think it’s because of how close I feel to God when I hear them. He is so powerful and the rains so majestic, yet when it comes to the metaphorical storms in our lives, we act like the disciples and frantically try to wake Him. Why do we do this, I wonder? I’m guilty of it on so many counts! I know that I know that I know – that He’s here with me and will always be, yet I often find myself trying to shake Him into action. Naturally, when I do this, I’m the one who winds up more frustrated and I can almost hear Him saying directly to me – “my child why do you have such little faith…trust Me…” yet I continue trying to make Him move.

    My Father, I am so sorry for not trusting You as I should. May I remember the literal sounds of rain and thunder in my life and wrap myself in them when I face trials. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that so many people find comfort in the sounds of thunderstorms...maybe we should turn on the sound of true rain and thunder (I included a link below to what looks like might be a good CD containing nature’s sounds) when we’re down on the floor begging God to reveal Himself to us during our rainless life’s storms. He’s so powerfully there…

    Thank you, Pastor Fred. I have been so deeply touched by today’s message.
