Monday, April 11, 2011

God Will Light Up Your Sky

Our Monday Devotion comes to us from Council Member, Lahoma:

"You go before me and follow me. You place Your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand! " Psalm 139:5-6

Do you know that you are precious to God? You are! He formed you in your mother’s womb and knew the number of your days before you even took your first breath. You were not a glob of cells, you were not an accident, you were created with a purpose and a destiny, and our loving Heavenly Father will go before you and follow you all the days of your life. He is an AWESOME God, not some far away deity in the sky unconnected to His creation, He has not left us here on earth to fend for ourselves, He wants to know you and be with you and commune with you and share intimate times with you. Our God is a God of wonders. He created everything: heaven, earth, sky, sea, and YOU. He created all that you see around you so you can marvel at the works of His hands and be drawn into His presence at any given moment whether you are driving on the freeway, sitting in a boring meeting, or laying in a field of flowers. He gave you the breath in your lungs, the beat in your heart, and the eyes to see and experience Him deeply within your soul, He gave you ears to hear Him when He whispers your name, so my question for you today is: are you listening….can you hear Him?

We can get so accustomed to our environments that we often take for granted what’s around us. We know the sun rises every morning and sets in the evening. We see the stars at night. We can lose the wonder of it all and become passive about the things God places all around us. But then there are days when we feel our need for God more. We feel alone, we might be scared, sometimes we can even feel like lost little lambs. What do we do when that happens? We learn that through our trials, and ironically sometimes because of them, we see and feel that God is with us always. Have you been too busy to listen? Have you been so beaten down that you have forgotten to simply look up? Have you been too distracted to see? when was the last time you just stood out in the rain? Or sat by the ocean shore? Or listened for the singing of birds? When was the last time you deeply looked into the eyes of a wondering child? Or truly realized that there’s nothing hidden from the Lord, that God knows all about you.. the good.. the bad… the ugly…. And still LOVES YOU! Our verse is David’s expression of being overwhelmed at understanding that God knows us intimately and he says that such knowledge is too wonderful to comprehend, and yet God continues to call us into that place of fellowship with Him. It states that God will place His Hand of blessing on my head, how awesome is that! Today, think about the miracle of the Almighty, All-Knowing, Everywhere At The Same Time God of the universe knowing each of us, caring about us as individuals, and walking with us through our daily joys and trials. Psalm 139 reminds us that God knows our thoughts even before we speak them—that God knew us before our days started and also knows what each of our days will hold. If you have a chance today, read Psalm 139, it will bless you and remind you that God is intimately acquainted with the smallest details of you and me, and we can be comforted in knowing our God knows us and loves us and wants to be with us in relationship and communion as often as we allow it to be.

I have a new favorite song by the Afters on the 95.9 FSH radio that reminds me how God lights up the sky to show me that He is with me. Have you ever been in a lightning storm? When we lived in Illinois, we could go to the outskirts of town and sit and watch the lightning strikes across the corn fields. The sky was so dark and there was usually rain involved and then suddenly out of nowhere the entire landscape would light up with intense brilliant white light and the beauty of lightning as it struck the earth differently each and every time was incredible. It always amazed me, and I could watch it for hours! I felt God’s dunamis power in it, and imagined to myself that God was lighting up the sky just for me! Have you ever felt that God was sending you a sign? Have you ever just really wanted God to light up the sky all around you to show you He was with you? That can happen, but I have found that it is usually something really small and easy to miss by others but you suddenly see it and realize that God is showing you that He IS with you, that He is near you, that He is guarding you and walking with you along your journey. I have shared with some about the miracle I saw one day on the cement sidewalk of a tiny flower who had pushed its way up through the crack of a heavy panel of sidewalk, and it brought me to a standstill there as I considered that this tiny seed had been buried under the plans of man to make the sidewalk, but this seed still had a purpose and a destiny within and a determination to keep pushing up until it finally found a way through the impossible and stood tall and bloomed for all to see! I love these moments, they are like breaths of fresh air that blow over my soul and bring tears to my eyes and cause me to look up into the Face of God and worship Him over and over again for how awesome He is. I love His whispers, I love His Hands that paint the evening skies for me, I love the majesty of His mountains, I love the sounds of a newborn baby sleeping. I hear and see God in all of it! I pray that God finds ways to show you such things, and I pray that we are never too busy that we miss them.

I pray that God lights up your sky today,
Shalom, sister Lahoma

Here are the words to “Light Up The Sky” by the Afters:

When I’m feeling all alone and so far to go
The signs are nowhere on this road guiding me home
When the night is closing in
It’s falling on my skin
Oh God will You come close

Light, light, light up the sky
Light up the sky to show me You are with me
I, I, I can’t deny
Oh I can’t deny that You are right here with me
You’ve opened my eyes so I can see You all around me
Light, light, light up the sky
Light up the sky to show me You are with me

When stars are hiding in the clouds
I don’t feel them shining
When I can’t see beyond my doubt
The silver lining
When I’ve almost reached the end
Like a flood You’re rushing in
Love is rushing in

Light, light, light up the sky
Light up the sky to show me You are with me
I, I, I can’t deny
Oh I can’t deny that You are right here with me
You’ve opened my eyes so I can see You all around me
Light, light, light up the sky
Light up the sky to show me You are with me

So I run straight to Your arms
You’re the bright and morning Sun
To show Your love, there’s nothing You won’t do

1 comment:

  1. Lahoma, no words I could put together can sufficiently describe how amazing it is to watch you and listen to you when you have something to say about God. You are so completely inspiring and full of His presence! I love seeing God through your eyes! A wise man named "Ray" told me recently to lead by example and it's examples like yours that I want not to just follow, but to fervently chase. Thank you for never failing to be AWESOME!

    P.S--Ive been hearing people say "thank you" to me for my comments on these devotionals, but it's not me who deserves the "thanks", for I am the one who is grateful. I find myself blessed with each devotional I read, so thank YOU, Lahoma and all.
