Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What Do You Think?

"O Lord you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down, you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord." Psalm 139:1-4

Let’s think about our thoughts and thinking. I can guarantee this; everything that has ever been said has been thought first. You know all the well-worn sayings such as, "Think before you speak". Well, I contend that you literally must. As “intelligent” as my lips, tongue, mouth, and vocal chords might be, if my brain doesn’t function first, they wouldn't have much to say. Here is another tried and true saying, "God gave you two ears and one mouth for a good reason". We should listen far more than we speak (at least twice as much eh?)...perhaps giving us more time to shut up and take the time to think.

You've heard the famous excuse, "I just wasn't thinking". Well, I don't believe it. We really need to control our thoughts and thinking. Scripture encourages us to take every thought captive, meaning that we should be very selective about what we allow ourselves to think.

A great tool we can use to change our negative and inappropriate thoughts, (which often lead to regretted words), is our own internal delete button, much like the delete button on our computers. Every time a wrong thought or “stinking thinking” enters our minds, we should hit the delete button. If the word “delete” isn't strong enough to cancel your negative thoughts, picture the name of JESUS appearing over those thoughts when you hit the “delete button in your mind”. Wow... What a concept! Think about JESUS, then hit delete.

Similarly, a good healthy function is to occasionally empty the “trash” or “recycle bin in your mind”. You know, sometimes leftover thoughts, fragments of memories, bad ideas, grudges, unresolved conflict etc. etc., keep hanging around, until we really “empty” ourselves before the Lord. Of course, I am a big fan of preventive measures. So, remember another one of my favorite sayings, "Garbage in, garbage out". Maybe the real clue to controlling our thinking is to control our input! Then we wouldn't have to “delete” or “empty” so often. Maybe all the junk we are putting in our heads is pushing that picture of Jesus out! Now there is a thought. Take that thought captive today, and see if it changes your thoughts, words and even your actions.

The Lord has indeed searched us and knows us. He knows everything we think before we think it, every thought before it comes. I think I need His help in my head all the time. I know I need to stop thinking sometimes and other times I need to think harder. Try to have Him in your mind all the time, your right thoughts will love it and your wrong thoughts will just have to go.

Just a thought,
Pastor Fred

1 comment:

  1. "Thought control" is something I've struggled with since...well, forever. The last week in particular has been a doozy. With a lot of negative thoughts trying to creep their way in and take root, I've had to seriously focus on God and HIS thoughts. It has been a challenge, but I like this idea of a "delete" button. I think I'll make my own internal delete button pink or yellow so I don't miss it when the time comes to push it:) Thanks for sharing!
