Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sharing Sufferings and Comfort

"And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort." 2 Corinthians 1:7

Here is the first question I asked after reading this verse. How is it that hope is firmed up, knowing that someone shares in both sufferings and comfort? This is what I think.
If you understand, empathize, and share in someone's troubles, pain, and suffering, it is because you know the only solution for that is the comfort… that only knowing Christ can bring.

Therefore, it follows that when we as Christians share in the same comfort of the knowledge of Christ and His love and provision, we subsequently are capable of sharing each other's sufferings also. That means that as a member of the Body of Christ, when one of us feels glad or joyful we can all feel glad and joyful. Conversely, when any of us suffer, we all feel the pain, because we are part of the same Body. We literally and spiritually, then physically feel one another's joys and sorrows, ups and downs, successes and failures and of course, comforts and sufferings. Because of Christ and our mutuality in Him, we are very attuned and sensitive to these things.
This is another of the many blessings of being one in the Spirit and part of the family of God. There is a capability that brothers and sisters in Christ have that is extra special when it comes to sharing each other's burdens and blessings. This is why praying and celebrating together is both helpful and rewarding. What a precious gift from God. This is what gives us such hope and makes that hope firm. Whatever the situation or circumstance, we know that we are not alone. We are in this life, here on earth, together, as one. Stronger for it too! "Hope is waiting together with expectation for the good and miraculous things God will unfold." This is why we care and share for, and with one another.

May this truth double your comfort and halve your suffering today; knowing you are not alone and that we are one in Him.

With reaffirmed hope, Pastor Fred

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly, though I write publicly in a blog concerning my personal life, issues, and welfare, I find it immensely challenging to actually sit down and talk face to face with another human being, at least when said talking means discussing my personal problems. Ironically, I can write to the world about how utterly imperfect my life is, but to speak such things aloud to another person actually makes me shudder. (I’m working on this) However, I recently broke down and did the deed - I talked to someone about a problem. Perhaps it’s the verbal acknowledgement that a problem exists that I find the most difficult about such conversations, or maybe my prideful attempts to appear problem free finally crumbling are what hurt? Probably both, I don’t really know. What I do know is that it was extremely hard to make myself talk it out at all – but I’m glad I did. It’s good to know that I’m not alone, so thank you, Pastor Fred, for the reminder, and Natalie, if you read this – thank YOU as well. You are all some of the most amazing people I’ve ever personally known, and Grace Harbor is truly one of God’s gifts to me.
