Monday, August 15, 2011

Swimming with the Sharks

"For God has not given us a spirit of timidity(fear) but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline(sound mind)." II Timothy 1:7

This week has been a fun week for me to watch the Discovery Channel on television. What makes this such a fun week for me is that its their annual shark week. Ever since I was a little boy I was amazed by sharks. It was the beauty and the power and the speed of the animal that drew me to my fascination and admiration of these magnificent creatures that God had created. Just the word “shark” or being able to see the top fin glide through the water strikes fear in people. And justly so it should. The power and ability to kill is something that all should fear and respect. In one of the episodes I watched, it showed a scientist diving in the water of the ocean and reaching out to pet the animal on its snout and belly. This individual was FEARLESS! He showed no fear but he did show respect at what this animal was capable of. What caught my attention was how the diver would stroke the length of the great white shark and then he would hold the top fin and the shark would allow the diver to be pulled 75 feet by this most awesome and most beautiful animal. At any moment this incredible animal could flip him over and turn him into an afternoon snack. But what was amazing was the confidence, peace and joy that this diver exhibited as he swam with the sharks.

As we look at today’s passage of scripture, it is wonderful to know that God has given us a spirit of POWER, LOVE, SELF DISCIPLINE and a SOUND MIND. Each one of these qualities is so needed when we are facing totally major challenges in our lives. Let’s face it, being disciplined and having a sound mind are qualities that allow us to face each and everything in our lives. It gives us the ability to confidently move forward each and every day, sometimes hour by hour or even minute by minute. Along with giving us the ability of overcoming challenges, these gifts from God are also great character qualities to have and develop as an individual. Being able to show, give and receive LOVE enables us to have healthy interpersonal relationships. The qualities of SELF DISCIPLINE and a SOUND MIND enables us to work on projects in a manner that will allow us to successfully complete it and have it be done in a manner that is full of success. And POWER is a character quality that gives us boldness and confidence to take anything that comes our way. Whether its interpersonal relationships or projects for work or school, or whether its making personal changes in our lives, we have the needed ability to find success in all that we do.

And finally, not having a spirit of fear or being timid enables us to look at things with clarity that allows the other God given qualities to be utilized in a manner that will allow us to move forward on each and everything we look at doing. With these character qualities that God has given us we can far our own “great white sharks” that swim in and around our lives, and we too will be able to have no fear and enjoy the exhilaration of knowing God has already provided the character qualities necessary for success. We just have to realize it and apply God’s Word to our “shark tank” of life and live free of fear.

Brother Rick

1 comment:

  1. Well, my first reaction was to question just how "sound" this swimmer's mind truly was (as if I have any room to talk!), but beyond that I have to say thank you for sharing your own interests as the foundation for a truly powerful message. It’s interesting timing because although I used to suffer from severe and crippling anxiety and panic attacks, I’ve been free from them for over a year now. Until recently. Dating back to June of this year, the battle in my mind began again. The big difference this time is that I’ve had an entire year without them to grow strong in the Lord, so when anxiety and panic have risen within me lately, the difference is huge indeed. On the other hand, it would be dishonest to say it’s not a struggle at all. I’m just thankful that God uses people, in this case you, to speak so honestly and directly to me and into my personal situations. Kind of goes hand in hand with how much He loves me, which is the other issue currently being studied in my life. Thank you, Rick, for your devotional today.
