Thursday, August 4, 2011

Why I Like the Red Letters So Much

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-29

I am not exactly sure why this passage of scripture moved me to tears today. I'm not talking about misting or welling up either, but tears running all the way down my cheeks. Feels good. I think it is the fact that the words are those of Jesus. Sometimes His words, you know the ones that used to be in red letters in your old King James Bible, they are the ones that are most likely to get through to me.

This morning I told my wife that sometimes when I am reading the Bible a lot, like lately, I start to not like people very much. Especially studying those Old Testament Prophets I've been preaching about and all of the reference to sins and rebellion and the weakness of humans. The hardest thing about not liking people is being one. I need to make sure I read these kinds of words from my loving Savior to keep me in context and to stop me from getting too reactive to the nonsense of this wacky life and the way people act and talk and the banal trivialities of day to day life. Sooooo... I come to Him, tired and a little 'pastored out', weary and too burdened with everybody's hurts and malarkeys and lay it all down at His feet and let go of the load. When I surrender He is so gentle and humble in heart and when I take His yoke upon me and remember once again why I do this and who I do this for, I find peace and rest. He carries me for a little while and He makes it so easy and light. What peace is in my soul right now just sharing this little insight with you. I needed this today. More tears now and a certain smile.

Whatever it is people, go to Jesus with it. He invited you to come. Lay your burdens down. Learn from Him, I know I do.

With a humbled, lightened heart,
Pastor Fred

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the transparent sharing of your heart. I am so glad you do what you do. I'm better because of it.
