Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Describing The Indescribable

"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift." II Corinthians 9:15

How can we ever describe something indescribable? Sounds impossible. When dealing with such quagmires and conundrums we must think outside the box and stretch our faith and understanding to new levels.

When I think of this verse, I immediately consider salvation as that gift I am so thankful for that defies explanation. You know, that sense of how a perfect God could love so unconditionally to sacrifice so much so that I could be redeemed. By the way, as I just wrote that I had an overwhelming sense of humble gratitude sweep over me. Really felt good. These words from 2 Corinthians 9:15 are about His provision for us and free gift, but in the preceding verses there is so much more. As Paul is explaining about sowing seeds and reaping the harvest of righteousness, generosity and witness, he also shares two keys, deeper elements to the totality of God's gift. God not only gives us the gift, He gives us the capability to share the gift. In addition, God not only gives us the capability to share the gift, He also gives us a capacity that overflows, then fills us up so we will automatically share.

You see, God has built into us the spiritual mechanism that makes it possible for us to overflow by maxing out our capacity, thereby activating our capability to share. When you are full, you can't receive any more and in order to experience being filled again, you must empty yourself or share. There are a couple of problems we have come up with, that our will initiates to interrupt or slow down God's plan. We claim to be incapable and incapacitated. Are we really? No! But in giving us free will, God allows us to shut down or limit God's mechanism. Why do we do that? Same excuses as for everything, we choose to be lazy, rebellious or selfish. Worse yet, all three at the same time. Uhoh! Lol...

That indescribable gift we have received at salvation is meant to be shared. In doing so, we fulfill His will. In not doing so, we invoke our will over His. We must be open to being filled and willing to be emptied, over and over and over again. I know this is how my life works best, so I must share that with you. Thanks be to God that I can try to describe His indescribable gift. What a gift, a gift worth giving.

In His Service,
Pastor Fred

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