Thursday, October 20, 2011

What do you Smell?

"For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death, to the other the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task?" II Corinthians 2:15-16

When God looks at us in the final analysis, He sees Jesus. Praise be to God for that huh? While we are here though, we are to be the sweet aroma of Christ not only to each other, but also as a witness to those who need and may choose to be saved. Christians shouldn't be stinkers. When we relate to one another and with seekers, we should be a fragrance that is a blessing. This is why in the early church the reputation of the Followers of the Way was that they loved each other. Wherever they went and whomever they came in contact with they made a pleasant and enticing aromatic impression on most everyone. In contrast to this reaction they ordinarily received was another response that came from those who opposed the Way and were in rebellion to God. To them even the sweetest, most pleasing fragrance was repulsive and repugnant to them.

The presence and aroma of Christians made them sick and nauseous. Why? …You see to the God-hater and the Atheist, all things about Christ are sickening. The reason is that the very thing that blesses God and brings life to those who would receive and believe, judges those who reject God and it reminds them of death. Even their own death. Imagine so desperately wanting to not surrender to Christ and how defensive you would have to be about everything that reminded you of your unbelief. How miserable. Let us remember to be sweet, but also know that a few will absolutely deplore you because they smell God and won't believe. As Paul muses at the end of these two verses, 'who is equal to such a task?' Christ in me is. Only in Him can I reflect the wonderful aroma of Jesus, which can be a blessing or a curse. What do you smell? Better yet, how do you smell? I hope to both give off and receive the sweet aroma of Christ. I don't want to be a stinker; I want to be a blessing.

Pastor Fred

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