Friday, March 28, 2014

As For You Too

"As for you brothers, never tire of doing what is right." 2 Thessalonians 3:13

This is pretty obviously good counsel. Maybe it should go without saying. Maybe it is so obvious that there must be a reason that it needs to be said. In previous verses Paul has urged the early church to not tolerate idleness. To the extent that he quotes a rule that had been widely distributed... "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." Whoa, kind of a harsh rule don't you think? Of course the rule is made because evidently it was needed because there were far too many folks that were receiving much, but doing little. But what about those who have disabilities, or the sick, or those who have lots of personal problems or have been victimized? Well, I think the understanding is that everybody can do something. Nobody gets to do nothing.

Please understand that my heart goes out to everyone who has very tough circumstances and I believe the Church Of Christ, His Body, should be there for them. But as His Word says, everybody needs to energy up to do what is right. That means all of us. There are no excuses or reasons. Each of us can write an encouragement card, all of us can pray for those on the prayer list. Everyone can do something, give something, help somehow. And........ we should never tire of doing it. You see, when we start getting tired of doing right, we start to focus on what everybody else is doing wrong. That will blur His vision, that will blind us from the larger truths. That, my friends is the beginning of pride.

So, how do we encourage never tiring while at the same time having no tolerance for non-participation? When I say no tolerance, please don't think we should ask non-participators to leave. But, those who fit in that category should expect to be reminded that it is not okay. Just as those who serve and participate and help and give and pray and encourage... they should expect to be reminded to not tire of it. While we all work on not tiring or getting involved, whichever end of the spectrum we tend towards, we need to be together as the family of God with love. Sometimes that love needs to be a little tough. Sometimes that love needs to be more genuine and understanding. We should pray and let the Holy Spirit do the convicting. He is best at it. I love it when I learn from these devotionals the things that I should be doing and not doing. Like today. Like you too I hope. This goes for for me and it goes for you.

With you in Him,
Pastor Fred

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