Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Through and Through

"May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and though." 1Thessalonians 5:23a

Sanctification is God's work in us. he does it, but we must submit and surrender to it. It should not be such a battle. I know, we are not inclined to cooperate, but God HIMSELF peaceably wants to do this. He desires to do it as a project together. Sanctification is not a beating. God does not want to beat us into submission or obedience. He wants us to seek it and receive it. He desires us to desire it. We must want to be transformed, and not just for the moment until we get out of trouble or pain or conflict, but for a lifetime process. I am confident that almost all of you reading this know Jesus as Lord and Savior. You have experienced salvation and know that he has redeemed you. Your sins are forgiven, you have eternal peace with God and you know you are going to live forever with Him. But, there is a step after salvation that too many Christians don't get or don't know, or don't understand. God did not save you for salvation's sake. He saved you for a purpose. He wants your whole life committed to Him. Immediately upon receiving salvation you should be taught and understand your position in Him. Who you are in Him. This is called justification.

Salvation is being delivered from the consequences of your sin, then justification, knowing who you are in Christ Jesus. Knowing He lives in you and you in Him. Knowing He has equipped you with everything you need to live a victorious Christian life. Justification is being positioned in Him for His empowerment. You see, when you are saved, the Holy Spirit comes into you and you are sealed for His purposes. Many believers try to jump from salvation to sanctification. (which means being set apart and being made holy). That is impossible to do without being established in a firm understanding of who you are. This is why many believers are prone to backsliding and to not maturing in their faith. Justification is the first step of discipleship. It is understanding by the Spirit, who you are in Christ Jesus your Savior. Knowing and accepting that He has a purpose for you and to the extent that you desire to pursue Him and maturing in Him wholeheartedly. Justification establishes you in a position ready for total commitment. Far too many Christians are immature in their faith because they are not confident in their position. They get blown around by everything that happens to them and in this world. When you are justified, even though everything is not perfect, you know that you know that there is no going back, no giving up and that you must seek Him wholeheartedly.

Maybe you have never heard of this. Maybe you are unsure of this. Maybe this is exactly what you need to move on in your life to all that God has for you. Now, let us read the verse again. "May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you though and though." This is what He desires to do for you. Desire for Him to do it. Seek Him about it. Not just a touch, or an experience, but through and through. Completely as possible. Totally committed. Sold out. Hope this inspires you today to desire Him more. Be saved, be justified and be sanctified in Him.

With His Love,
Pastor Fred

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