Thursday, March 27, 2014

Why 'Grace Is Sufficient'

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

This is my verse these days. The sufficiency of His grace is a very, very powerful thing. Maybe for the believer the most practically powerful principle within our grasp, if we can just wrap our minds around what all it really means. There are two things recently that my heart keeps saying about this truth. One, that there is absolutely nothing like His grace.The other is that His grace often will have to do because I got nothing else. His unmerited favor can address every circumstance and situation in life. Whether it is fear of the unknown, or anxiety about what you know you have to face. The same grace is all you need to get through.Let's tear the verse apart by asking questions and answering it with the truth.

Who's grace? HIS grace. Is what? Sufficient. Do you need something else? No! Is God powerful enough to promise this? Absolutely. How good is His grace? It is perfect. So I need to be strong to experience the sufficiency of His grace? Np, His grace is actually made perfect in my weakness.

Words cannot adequately express how much this means to me these days. In a time of my life with big unknowns, battling my own thoughts, all I can do is lean on, trust in and depend upon the sufficiency of His grace. I could not be more thankful for it. It is free. It is perfect. It needs nothing from me. It is His gift and when I wrap my mind around it and allow it to be all I need and surrender my weakness to it, I then, can do all things through Christ Jesus. For me, sometimes I gotta simplify the profoundest truths, so I not only can get them, but receive them. I hope my vulnerable moment has been a blessing to you.

In His Word Too,
Pastor Fred

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