Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Directed Hearts

"May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance." 2 Thessalonians 3:5

When I was 19 years old I had a remarkable opportunity to serve with an international Christian acting troupe called Covenant Players. This experience was probably contributed more components to my capabilities to be on stage and in front of people than any other in my life. The fundamental principles of Covenant Players still ring true with me today. I remember Chuck Tanner, the founder and writer of thousands of plays and productions giving us several very instructive lectures on how to be on stage.

1. You are an actor, not a director 2. Stay in character at all times 3. Have a reason for everything you do and say 4. Motivational blocking (move naturally) 5. Let the message happen

Chuck was a profound Christian with deep convictions about the message of his work. He relentlessly worked with us to make sure that we were constantly aware of these five overarching principles. In my preaching today, I use these communication techniques. I have said that I am not so much of a professional pulpiteer as I am an actor playing the part of a pastor. I am not the director. I am directed by the Lord. The more I am, the better I do. I want Him to direct my heart so He delivers His message through me. My heart needs to reflect Him in me as much as possible. I need to know what I am talking about so He can use what I say and that comes across sincere and genuine. I should move naturally and only be theatrical when I am trying to be theatrical for impact.

I always try to remember that it is He who is the message and I am just the messenger. When I think about this verse, I think deeply about wanting to be directed by the Lord, especially when I am sharing from His Word. But, in the rest of life too, I am His servant and His person. He is the director. We can all do this in our lives. You know, let Him direct more, let Him be in charge. Play our parts. Work on our characters. Think about why we do what we do. Move meaningfully and be a witness. I think Chuck's direction was excellent and I know the Lord's direction is perfect.

See you on the stage of life,
Pastor Fred

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