Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Stand Firm

>"So then brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter." 2 Thessalonians 2:15

Many in the early church were convinced that Jesus would return in their lifetime. Some folks today hold to that belief. Many hope He does. I know He will come at the perfect and proper time, just as only the Father knows. When we are young it is hard to wait. Waiting for birthdays, Christmas, Easter, summer, vacation or any anticipated event is not easy. We understandably get excited about a big day approaching. We are full of ideas about what will happen and how and especially if that event is going to be special. The Second Coming of Christ could not be more special.

Even as young Christians or sometimes as immature believers, we put tremendous hope in His imminent return. For obvious reasons. We want to see Him. We want to be with Him. We are ready to leave behind this life on earth. Or, we have our doubts about what we believe and that event would just explain everything. It would relieve us from having to exercise any more faith. Paul is asking the early believers to stand firm, to continue maturing in their faith and to wait on the Lord. Not only for His return but for the purpose and meaning of each and every day. There are many teachings of our faith. Not only belief and promise of heaven or His return, but teachings about how to live day to day by faith. We are taught to trust, to love, to serve, to forgive, to be faithful, to share our faith, to give, to help others, to encourage and to have hope. Hope for a lifetime or hope until He comes.

Teaching from God comes from the spoken and written Word. We should try to get fed as much as possible from all sources. I have said many times that we should surround ourselves with everything possible from our faith. Christian music, Bible study, Prayer, Service to Him, Christian Friends and as many Christian things as we possibly can, Why is this so important? The biggest reason is that all the other information out there can be very confusing. Used to be that more of our beliefs and the teachings of Christ were prevalent in our culture. Not so much these days. Not in public school very much, unless very dedicated teachers make it happen somehow. Not in the workplace, unless workers decide to share carefully. Not in many places of business, unless managers or corporate types make it possible. In general our beliefs have become secondary to secular humanism or to the latest pop solutions. Since this is the case, now perhaps more than ever we need to receive the encouragement to 'stand firm'. If you don't stand firm these days you could very easily get blown around or even blown away in your faith. The more we read it, the more we talk about it, the more we listen to it, the more we fill our lives full of it, the easier it is to stand firm.

So, my friends, stand firm.... because almost everything in this life is trying to knock you down. But, He stands with you, in front of you, beside you, behind you and with you. He's got this standing firm thing, so then do you. Standing with you,
Pastor Fred

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