Friday, March 14, 2014

Live in Peace

"Live in peace with each other." 1 Thessalonians 5:13b

This verse comes at the end of the admonition to respect and hold in high regard those who are over the believers and admonish the flock. Though it may apply specifically here to being at peace with Pastors and others, it is also an often mentioned encouragement. The Bible many times says for us to 'live in peace'. Doing so from my personal point of view would certainly make my job easier and more enjoyable.

In the family of God, just like in our own families there are people who are more peaceful than others. There are those who are way easier to be at peace with and keep the peace with. In another verse in the New Testament Paul says... "in as much as it is possible, please live in peace with each other". When we are conflicted, it takes away from what God is trying to do. Can you imagine how much energy and time is spent just trying to keep people at peace with each other. You may say no problem. You may also say no problem as long as people are peaceful with me. You may say as long as I am happy I am happy with everybody. You may even say as long as everything goes your way you will be at peace with everyone. You get my point?

We can basically be at peace as much as we choose. Peace is not a feeling, it is a choice of reaction to whatever happens. Conflict feeds drama. Some folks feed on drama. That sure can mess up the peace. We must learn ways to work with each other in peace. Let us foster a spirit of mutuality, one of shared respect, one of love and appreciation that is more important than agreement. Some folks need to solve problems constantly. So when there aren't any, they create some. Be at peace with those folks too. Granted, sometimes we are going to be conflicted, but we need not live in an atmosphere of conflict. Peace should be the norm and occasional conflict may temporarily disrupt it. Conflict should not be the norm and peace has to disrupt it. I hope where you live, where you work and where you go to church that there is peace.

Let us endeavor to make peace, keep peace, maintain peace and live in peace with each other. That is His plan, Paul's teaching and the Lord's will for all of us. Peacefully yours,
Pastor Fred

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