Wednesday, March 25, 2015


2 Peter 2

I have always been a proponent of study Bibles. The notes and commentaries in them can help immensely with understanding scripture better. I also encourage listening to radio programs such as J. Vernon McGee, John MacArthur, Greg Laurie, etc., etc., any of the mainstream Bible teachers. Additionally, getting books, CD’s, videos and resources from Bible Bookstores like Lifeway, The Bible House, and Family Christian is a good idea. Being mentored and attending Bible Studies promotes spiritual growth, also. Saying that, I would suggest that you resource more than one commentary too, like on Bible Gateway or StudyLight. This is not a comprehensive list, just a place to start expanding your learning horizon.

So, why is this devotion titled, “False Prophets”? Am I going to list modern day false prophets right here? No, I am not. One of my Study Bibles is the David Jeremiah Study Bible. It has a wonderful chart that lists many attributes of False Prophets from 2 Peter, Chapter 2. I think it would be valuable to share them with you.

2:1 says they infiltrate the church, come in secret and deny the work of Jesus.
2:2-3 says they blaspheme and mimic the truth and are greedy.
2:10 says they are self-willed, despise authority, and follow the flesh.
2:12 says they are ignorant, deceptive and speak more evil than good.
2:14 says they can’t stop sinning, adulterous and prey on believers.
2:15 says they intentionally lie and are all about money.
2:16-19 says they make grandiose promises, use alluring thoughts and are incompetent

Wow, don’t confuse false prophets with troublemakers or problematic people. False prophets do most of these things, not just one or two, or a few. Warning!!!! There will be false prophets. Don’t jump to conclusions. Be careful, not suspicious.

Pastor Fred

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