Thursday, March 5, 2015


“Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.” 1 Peter 4:9

Funny devotion title, huh? I think so, made me chuckle as I wrote it. How can I possibly address this without complaining about complainers? Okay, even though it is almost impossible, sorry, am I already grumbling?

Please allow me to share five things I have actually heard said at church that illustrates how we defeat our own purposes. I know we don’t hear ourselves, or how we sound, or how we come across all the time, but Peter wants our actions and our words, and our attitudes to match up better. I am slightly altering these illustrations and taking them from past church experiences so no one thinks I am complaining about anyone in particular. Sometimes the way we are nice, is not very nice.

1. “Come on in, we are so glad you are here, make yourself at home, sit where ever you are comfortable…..just not here or there.”

2. “Thanks for volunteering, but we really don’t need any help.”

3. You are so creative and that is wonderful, so feel free to do it like we’ve always done it.”

4. “Take as much as you need or want, but not too much, if you know what I mean.”

5. We want as many people as possible to come as long as it’s not too many.”

Be careful that what you say or do, doesn't undo what you meant to do, or say. Subtlety is sometimes lethal.

Sorry to grumble about “tactful” grumblers,
Pastor Fred

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