Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"Being Merciful" by: Pastor Fred Snider

“Be merciful to those who doubt.” Jude 1:22a

Doubting comes on many levels and at varying intensities throughout our lives. To doubt does not necessarily mean to question the existence of God, or the deity of Christ, or the veracity of the Word of God. It could be as simple as wondering whether or not God is answering your prayer. Human beings question God. We also wonder and ponder just how involved God is in our specific situation, or the world in general at any given time. In times of tragedy we doubt God’s presence or His response. We doubt His answers. Particularly when the answer is “no”, or “wait”. Trust and doubt are very closely tied together. I can honestly say that though I have struggled with trust, especially when it involves waiting, I have doubted my faith far more than Him. Doubt can manifest itself as simply as being resistant, hesitant, or unsure. Obviously we doubt each other and have trust issues based on the inconsistency and unreliability of people. Jude here is speaking of doubting the basics of the faith or doubting that Jude’s strong words against false prophets is necessary. I think the key is that the response to doubters, big and small, is to be merciful. Definition of mercy… Not getting what you deserve. So when we or others doubt, instead of scorn or ridicule or mockery or patronization, how about some compassion, empathy, and even sympathy. After all, even though we cause a bit of trouble, we are only human. If God is merciful even to doubters, shouldn’t we be?

In His Grip,
Pastor Fred

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