Friday, April 17, 2015

"FRIENDSHIP" by Council Member, Hank Botts

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. " 2 Timothy 4:7

Losing one dear friend is difficult enough, but to lose two within the span of just a few short months is especially trying. Rick and Lahoma Ballester are two of my closest friends in the ministry, closer than a brother and sister to me. As I said to my wife recently, I had always envisioned us growing older and being seniors together. I don't want to dwell on the loss, however, because it is still so incomprehensible to me, and so very sad. Therefore, I choose instead to focus on celebrating the lives and legacies of these two very special people. Did you know that Lahoma is the person responsible for these daily devotionals? She came up with the idea shortly after our mission trip to Jamaica. She and Rick are also responsible for Sara and I being junior high ministers. So, in addition to the many lives they touched directly, their legacy and impact is still being added to with each new young person who is reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I learned so much from both of them about the love of Christ, especially His love for those that others would consider outcasts. I owe so much to both of them, and there isn't time or space to recall all the experiences we've shared, but I treasure all of them in my heart. This Scripture verse is perfect for both of them. They indeed fought the good fight, finished the race (Lahoma's marathon ministry comes to mind), and kept the faith in the midst of many trials and struggles. I love them both so much, and I'm thankful for the time we had together. I miss them a lot, but I take great comfort in knowing beyond any doubt that we will be reunited once my race is finished. Until then, rest in paradise, my friends. I know you've already heard our Lord say "Well done, good and faithful servants!"

Love in Jesus,

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