Thursday, April 9, 2015


“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.” Jude 1:3

The joy of our salvation is such a wonderful blessing to share about and I, like Jude, am eager to encourage us all about our hope and joy in Christ. I also, like Jude feel the need to urge us all to contend for the faith. Our faith is under attack from within and from the world. We are seemingly being pitted against one another. Believers against believers, church against church, denomination against denomination. There seems to be no end to the criticism, negativity, and undermining of one another individually and as a group. This is the work of the enemy within the Body. This must stop. We need unity; believer to believer, church to church, and group to group. We must rally together and around our common salvation. At the same time we are under attack from the world; from other religions, from political interests, from the press, from culture and from the erosion Judao-Christian principles. You must see this. Wrong is right, right is wrong. Decency and kindness are only a means to an end, and the roots of our country are being poisoned and the roots of our faith too. We are mocked and derided. Let us contend for the faith, unite, and not allow any further erosion. Let’s rebuild the common ground of our salvation within, and resist the erosion from the world.

In Him,
Pastor Fred

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