Thursday, April 30, 2015

"CRITICS" by:Pastor Fred Snider

“He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand which ignorant and instable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.” 2 Peter 3:16

Everybody has opinions and everybody has critics. Peter is talking about Paul here in verse 16. He is very much defending him. In his defending, Peter says quite a few things that bear repeating. As you know, it is easy to criticize. Our criticism is usually misguided and often a rush to judgment without facts or understanding. I would like to list for you what I hear Peter saying. This could help us not to be so critical and also not to overreact to criticism. The very word is negative by use and definition. Other words like critique and possible perspective or encouraging analysis would work better. But, alas critics are often distracting attention from their own failures and misinformed or ulterior motive oriented. Peter says of Paul that he is consistent. Therefore, it is not like Paul is “flip-flopping” on doctrinal matters in particular. He suggests that maybe the critics are misunderstanding Paul because the matters he addresses are hard to understand. Peter says critics may be ignorant or be unstable; just making unformed assertions out of their own issues. He goes on to say that critics distort what Paul says and that he knows they have done this with other matters. He then concludes that critics are self destructive. All this to say that there are plenty of explanations other than that Paul is in error. More likely, he is misunderstood than needing correction. Like I said, we all have critics. We live in a culture that is hyper-critical, divisive and prone to jump to conclusions. Oh how often we get whipped up about something that is nothing.

Now for the tough teaching part; I have had my head handed to me more than once, as I am sure all of you have. People lash out and speak from pain, defensiveness, ignorance and having been deceived by someone else. When I am criticized or critiqued or even gently reproved, I must look for the truth in the matter. I know, some things are just lies, distortions, and games, but there can be a morsel of truth or a nugget of insight in even the harshest verbal beat down. I remember a few times where though the criticism of me was wrong, distorted or overstated; there was still a teachable moment in it. It takes humility and willingness to grow and change to accept criticism.

So the bottom-line is that we should not be so critical and examine our motives. Also, we should ask God to teach us what is applicable and to help us receive that. I hope you aren’t too critical or too sensitive either. Both can be issues of maturity. Lord, help us to be tactful and not to overreact when someone is not. Build each other up people, don’t tear one another down. Like Peter, defend those who are misunderstood or distorted. Cut some slack and also don’t hang yourself.

In His Service,
Pastor Fred

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