Thursday, September 13, 2012


"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Psalms 22:1a

The Messiah, Jesus Christ our Lord was to be a descendant of David and many of the Psalms refer to Him. Psalms 22 is one of the major sources of prophecy regarding the coming Messiah and refers specifically to Jesus suffering on the cross.

Verse one is actually the very words that our Lord quoted from Calvary as He suffered and died, bearing the load of the sins of the whole world, past, present, and future. Just think of the enormity of that task, especially the sins yet to come. I scarcely can take it in, imagining the agony of the guilt and shame as the consummate act of grace paid for all sins.

Wow! Just thinking about this! I am overwhelmed with both conscience and gratefulness at the same time. I do hope you read all of Psalms 22. No wonder David wrote Psalms 23 after this Psalm. He must have caught some glimpse of the role of His Messiah and then wrote perhaps the best known chapter of the Bible. When you read this entire chapter, try to spot all the references to Jesus on the cross, it will amaze you. Right now I am trying to deal with the fact that Jesus asked His Father, “Why have you forsaken me?” How is it that God promises me and you that He will never leave us or forsake us? Imagine bearing, then forgiving all sin knowing God the Father will never forsake anyone else? I am so completely thankful for my Savior and my God. I am confident that Jesus understands me, knows me, and loves me still and all. He sees through me, has a running count of the hairs on my head yet runs the universe too. As you go through your day, remember that the same Jesus who was forsaken will never forsake us. We are safe and secure from judgment, eternal punishment or condemnation.

I am taking three deep breathes and putting everything in perspective again. O God, O God, thank You for not forsaking me, and for Jesus who took my punishment for me.

Pastor Fred

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