Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Taste and See

"Taste and see that the Lord is good..." Psalm 34:8a

I really am totally inspired by these few choice words from Psalm 34. The whole Psalm is about God helping us in times of trouble. David writes these particular words after he feigns insanity to escape from Abimelech. So, David is pretty amped up about God's deliverance of him and is appreciating the depth of his relationship with the Almighty. The knowledge of the awesomeness of God, and trusting Him completely, is one of the richest experiences of life. For me, when David puts together taste and sight in discovering the goodness of God, it illustrates an amazing correlation.

Have you ever tasted an intangible thing? In our sensory capacities we actually smell, and then taste. If you couldn't smell, your tasting ability would be incapacitated. So the connection between tasting and seeing is in the mind. Let me use an example from my own experience. There is a taste that the ocean air carries in it that immediately gives me a picture in my mind. I can see vividly; the palm trees, crashing waves, sand, and beautiful vistas. Just from the salty taste. I also love the ocean and intensely desire to be there. When we are able to taste and see it exemplifies trust and intimacy.

Can you taste victory? I can. Sometimes I know my team is going to win, I can almost taste it. Can you taste the power of God at work? I can. Sometimes there is a Spirit in our worship that has a flavor to it that puts me in the presence of God. I know what that feeling is and I can taste how it feels. My point is that there is a spiritual ability to taste that transcends our physical ability to actually taste. I hope you know of what I am speaking. In our Christian walk we should be able to taste and see how good God is. Desire the deeper sense of closeness with Him. Want the spiritual experiences that utilize your full capacity to sense, and feel, and taste, and see the goodness of God? It tastes so good and is so satisfying. Can't get enough of it. May the Lord reveal to each of us how we and taste and see His goodness.

In His Presence just now,
Pastor Fred

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