Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Misery Loves Company

"Sing praises to the LORD, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what he has done. For he who avenges blood remembers; he does not ignore the cry of the afflicted." Psalms 9:11-12

In this life, we will face a number of injustices. Some from the sin and wickedness in the world, some from within the family of God (regrettably true) and some that we just bring down on ourselves or emanate from within us.

For example: We may be falsely accused and misunderstood by friends and enemies, we may not be truly appreciated by others for the love we show, maybe the true value of our work or service may not be duly rewarded, or our ideas may be ignored. But God is still to be praised, for He sees and remembers all the good we do, and it is up to Him to decide when or whether anything should or will be recognized. We must trust Him to vindicate us or we will be susceptible to bitterness, depression and self-pity. If we do trust Him, we can experience God’s peace and be free from the worry of how others perceive us and/or treat us. God will not forsake us.

Do you wallow in your misery? Do you twist and turn and struggle to figure out everyone’s motives and machinations? Do you read into everything you can, negativity, failure or intrigue? Sometimes we invent drama to fill our own need for emotional release. Avoid playing mind games with your own circumstances. Surrender all your concerns to God. Don’t project your own issues on others. Show grace, accept grace. Be merciful, accept mercy. Join David and praise God who does not ignore us or placate us.

In His service, for His glory,
Pastor Fred

1 comment:

  1. "Avoid playing mind games with your own circumstances."

    Wow, this was perhaps my favorite sentence in the entire devotional. I suspect I've been guilty of doing just that, but until reading what you wrote, never thought of it that way. I might tend to wallow just a little bit too, but here's to a glorious new day, one filled with His grace and not my messes! Thanks, Pastor Fred, for the conviction and freedom therein.
