Friday, September 12, 2014

Hope for a Mess Up like Me

"And when He had removed him, He raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, "I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will."" Acts 13:22

I mess up all the time. As a husband and as a parent, I make lots of mistakes. As a friend, I fall short. As a worker, I don't always live up to expectations. And as a Christian, one who hopes to be more and more like Christ, I leave much to be desired on a daily basis. Maybe you are like me, and perhaps you ask yourself the same nagging question that I struggle with. How can God use someone as flawed as I am for His divine purposes? Well, let me tell you, friends, there is HOPE!

The good news is, God has always used imperfect people such as us. In fact, imperfect people are the only kind of people who exist! So there, you are imminently qualified! And in case you think your particular imperfections are so bad as to render you incapable of being used by God, let me give you an encouraging example from Scripture.

Consider the case of King David. He shed much blood during his lifetime (1 Chron 22:8). He had multiple wives (2 Sam 3:1-5). He was a negligent father, bringing trouble and tragedy into his family (2 Sam 13:15-18, 28-29; 18:33). He disobeyed God and caused the deaths of 70,000 of his people (2 Sam 24: 10,15). He committed adultery (2 Sam 11:4). And, he arranged for the husband of his adulterous lover to be killed in combat to cover up his affair (2 Sam 11:5-17).

Now listen, if God can use someone like David, who messed up royally (pardon the pun) during his lifetime, and even go so far as to refer to him as "a man after My own heart", don't you think He could use someone like you? See, I told you there was HOPE! Be encouraged today as you accept the challenge to become a person after God's own heart, flaws and all!

Love in Jesus,

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