Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Beyond Politics

"Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain." Psalms 2:1

Why…is a good question these days.
Why is everything happening like it is?
Why all the “saber rattling” and all the political imbroglio?
Why are so many people plotting and conspiring on every level?

Psalms 2 is originally written to celebrate the coronation of a particular Israelite King. But like a number of the Psalms that David pens, it is also a prophetic description of Jesus, His life, death, resurrection, and eternal reign.

David’s Psalms 2 is quoted a number of times in the New Testament as a coming Messiah reference. David was not only a shepherd and a warrior, but a king and prophet too. Whatever your questions are about the big picture of our world with all its power brokering, posturing, and insecurity; all pales in the light of His glory on grace and eternal plan. We, like David, who was dealing with conspiracies and wacko conspiracy theories puts his ultimate trust in God’s Anointed, our Eternal King, Jesus. So, in answer to the question, why all the conspiracy and plots? Put simply…of course there is a wholesale, worldwide rebellion by the powers that be against the true Ruler of all. Why would you expect any different? How to deal with the fear and unsure state of everything? Same as always, same way David did. Put your trust in God. After all, we read the end of the book, even before we understood the beginning or many of the important parts. HE WINS! If that is true, and it is, we should "be blessed and take refuge in Him." Oh, by the way, that is the last line of Psalms 2.

Trusting Him,
Pastor Fred

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