Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Powerful Words

"The tongue has the power of life and death; and those who love it will eat its fruit." Proverbs 18:21

During my early years as a Christian, I had the blessing of working with Junior and Senior High School students, then College students and Young Adults. Throughout this period, I got to know many different people, from different homes and up bringing. I remember the people who were most confident, well adjusted, outgoing, and had high self-esteem came from homes where the words that were spoken to them were positive, encouraging and uplifting. On the other hand, the people who lacked confidence and had lower self-esteem came from backgrounds where they were not encouraged, were belittled and told horrible things like “you’re worthless”, “you’re and idiot”, “you’ll never amount to anything” or worse yet, “I can’t believe that you’re my child – look at you!”

The sad thing is, many people do not know or understand how powerful the words we speak are and the serious impact they can have on an individual’s self-esteem. In my own personal life, I experience it frequently as I battle back from frequent disability health issues. I’m blessed to have a family, a church family, and a team of men, who are my brothers in Christ, telling me that I can do it and encouraging me through positive, uplifting words and relatable Bible verses.

This is why we are told in today’s passage of scripture – Proverbs 18:21 that our words can bring “LIFE” or “DEATH”. The passage is telling us to choose our words wisely. Let us think before we speak, and think what the Bible says about this situation and how can we bring “LIFE” into a conversation. It’s easy to speak “DEATH” into a conversation, but “LIFE” takes us being open to the words of wisdom from the Holy Spirit, and the maturity of filtering our thoughts thru the Helmet of Salvation to be able to line it up with God’s word.

I want to bring LIFE with my words, so I may bring honor and glory to God, our Father. I challenge you to choose positive and uplifting words to share throughout your day.

In Him,
Brother Rick

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