Wednesday, August 15, 2012

One Commandment

"Honor your father and your mother," Exodus 20:12a

This has been on my heart a lot lately. Let me give you ten recent reasons why.

1. I just reread the growing stack of encouragement cards in my desk that I write to my dad when I need to talk to him.

2. I plan to hold my mom's hand and walk along the water's edge at Myrtle Beach in a few weeks.

3. I will drive my Father in law's little old white car at least 1,000 miles more because he always said he was "gonna drive it over 300,000 miles."

4. I will pick up my Mother in law and bring her to church for as long as I get to have that time with her.

5. I make sure to personally greet every senior at Women's Bible Study when I drop off and pick up Dawn's Mom on Thursdays.

6. I showed Colby, Jahmil and Jorden, Grandpa Wilson's picture and told them again that he is the one who wanted them to have the treasures he left for them.

7. After two years of not being in touch hardly at all, I just wrote a letter of appreciation to Marc and Chrystal's Great Grandma, in Montana.

8. Today I sent an email response to my 91 year old friend who asked me a biblical question about the symbolism of eagles as we age.

9. I took the time, for just 5 minutes, with a man named Bill at Emeritus Senior Living to hear two short stories about the war.

10. I visited Kay in her home, because she is hurting deeply about the loss of her son.

Honor is not just lip service or agreement to a principle. My parents or Dawn's are not the only mothers and fathers to be honored. Honor a senior today. Honor a senior every day. They aren't called the Great Generation for nothing.

Join me in being proactive about honoring our mothers and fathers and all seniors every opportunity you get. Also, you might try making opportunities, too.

With His Grace,
Pastor Fred

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