Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's My Own Fault

"Through your own fault you will lose the inheritance I gave you." Jeremiah 17:4

Nothing, and I do mean nothing, is anybody's fault anymore. Nobody, and I do mean nobody, takes responsibility for anything anymore. I am not completely sure this hasn't always been true. But, I do know that it is increasingly true that the buck stops nowhere. It just keeps getting passed on and on and on. Yes, yes I know that sometimes people own up, fess up and face the music for what they have said or done or even thought, but, by and large it is very unusual for humans just to take full responsibility. When we do, we often explain away the beauty of that with a jillion excuses or reasons as we call them.

Judah, as a people of God, were out of order. They were worshiping other Gods, intermarrying with unbelievers and passing these misbehaviors down to their children's children. God through the prophet Jeremiah was judging them and pointing out that they were worshiping 'things' made with men's hands and He warns them sternly, that if they don't stop and turn around that they are going to lose it all. They will end up squandering their entire inheritance (all the promises of God) because their hearts have turned from God to earthly things. They don't turn, by the way and they do lose it all and suffer greatly before they return to God.

They lose everything that is really most important because it is their own fault. When we think of losing something we generally think of losing a job or house or car or friend maybe, but what about losing our way or our self-respect or losing face. I think in this world we are so worldly oriented that it is hard for us to think about what is truly important because we are so enraptured by things that are really so unimportant. We must take responsibility and accept responsibility for what we think, say and do. I am responsible for everything that I do and what happens to me. The abdication of personal responsibility is the downfall of civilizations, even ones that are based on many Christian principles

I cannot blame anyone or anything else for what I have lost or not gained. I choose how to respond to my adversities, It is me who decides whether I try or quit or persevere. Nothing else is to blame. Not the weather, or my upbringing or my ethnicity or my weight or my education. Even the things I don't choose, I am responsible for how I choose to let them affect me. God gives us everything we need to do everything He wants us to do. He will provide, protect and guide to get His will for us accomplished through us. But, we must take responsibility for not shutting Him out, for not being faithless, for not being a self-fulfilling prophecy. We are choice-makers, the only ones like us. God indeed has a wonderful plan, an inheritance to give us and if we do not actualize or experience it, that is our own choosing and our own fault. He can do anything right? But, I must surrender, cooperate and obey.

I know God has more for me and I want more as I write this, knowing that at the end of the day or the end of my life I will not regret not having tried, believed and given Him my all. I encourage us all to take responsibility for not only our poor choices but also for our possibilities.

May you know His best for you, without excuses and without self imposed limitations.

In Him,
Pastor Fred

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