Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Where have All the Christians Gone?

"Help, Lord, for the godly are no more; the faithful have vanished from among men." Psalms 12:1

Sometimes do you wonder where all the Christians have gone? It is becoming increasingly difficult to identify who the believers are. It seems like many people are the same. This Psalm goes on to describe how everybody lies, deceives, boasts, oppresses others and even struts around when what is vile is honored. Kind of a picture of the degradation, corruption, inappropriateness, nastiness, and general immorality that is so rampant today. You know the contrasts, wrong is right, bad is good, down is up, etc. etc.? As we discussed over and over again in our study of the Judges; "Everyone does what is right in their own mind." There are seemingly no standards and no absolutes. The concept of integrity is jaded at best. I think we need to speak up. I can no longer remain silent. If God is for us, who can be against us?
Psalms 12 says in verse 69, "The words of the Lord are flawless". That is where we must base our trust, in God’s word and not in the words of men. We are being lied to constantly, deceived, mislead, manipulated, and played. We are hiking aimlessly in new territory without a compass and it seems to me we are heading south in a big fat hurry, as the old saying goes. Somebody stand up and say stop!! The Lord will protect us as individuals but I am concerned about the nation and the church that if we do not resist and repair the erosion of the values that are the foundation of who we are, the acceleration of degradation will pick up exponential speed.

Let us encourage one another to represent what is right and good and to quit tolerating wrong and evil without, especially without; condemning it. It is okay to say that human trafficking is totally unacceptable, but so is pornography and the objectification of women. Genocide is wholly abominable, but so is the number of unborn babies. We must be consistent. Runaway unaccountable government spending is completely unwise, but so is living beyond your means. Ahhh, I see my conflict. How can I speak up when what I am doing speaks so loud, nobody can hear what I am saying. Where are the Godly? Where are the faithful? We are hiding behind the fear of our own hypocrisy being revealed. We too closely resemble what we should be objecting to. If we speak up, with conviction and self condemnation would deafening. God helps us to not be part of the problem and to be part of the solution.

In Him,
Pastor Fred

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