Friday, August 10, 2012

My Encouraging Friend

"Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas, sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles' feet." Acts 5:36

I recently received word that a dear friend of mine, Bob Neill, passed away. He and I go back 40+ years, and as I wrap my mind around the fact that he is in heaven now, and no longer here, I am overwhelmed with feelings of appreciation for who he was in my life. I last saw Bob just a few months ago when he and another friend, on behalf of Transformation Ministries, visited me here at Grace Harbor to pray for me and encourage me. It was a sweet meeting.

Bob and I started immediately reminiscing together and swapped a few stories about all the ministry we had shared together at Thousand Pines over the years, and I will always remember his words to me that day. He said, "you know Fred we could probably talk all day about the 'good old days' and all the stuff we saw God do over the years, but today we are here to encourage you, and pray for you. So, how are you doing my friend?" That was Bob. Like Barnabas, he was an encourager. There aren't enough of them and that is why we appreciate them so much.

Bob encouraged in several ways. Let me list seven ways that come to mind and hopefully they will remind you of an encouraging friend that you appreciate. In honor of Bob I'd like to start each example with the words.... 'Bob always', and hopefully that will help you personalize your feelings, too.

1. Bob always had positive things to say about everybody. 2. Bob always had specific compliments about Dawn and I and our 'many talents' as he would always say. 3. Bob always looked deeply into my eyes and tried to see exactly what was going on with me, deep inside me. 4. Bob always had plenty of time to listen and was so attentive to what I had to say. 5. Bob always was extremely generous, not only with his time, but with everything he had. 6. Bob always started and ended all of our encounters with kind words. 7. Bob always reminded me of the great love that Jesus had for me and everyone.

Friends like Bob are a treasure. They are precious and rare. I don't think I completely understood, (until I heard of his home-going), just how much I appreciated how positive and encouraging he was in my life. It also brings to mind how I want to be more encouraging to everyone in my life, too. It also reminds me of how much encouragement we need, and how encouragement is such a blessing. We live in discouraging times. There is so much negativity. Such a wanton lack of respect, and honoring, and appreciation on every front in our lives. We are clobbered daily with a flood of 'bad news' words, perspectives and attitudes.

Thanks Bob, for being a light and a hope, for being a true friend and an encourager. I am sure that Barnabas was appreciated, too. Both of you will be remembered for your positive contributions to the lives of those you touched. I count it an honor to call both of you my brother. Someday, we will all celebrate it all together forever, because encouragement is an eternal blessing. Shouldn't we all give so much more encouragement, considering how much we so appreciate it? I know I will encourage more just out of continuing sincere appreciation for my dear friend Bob.

Until we meet again,
Pastor Fred

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