Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Future Hope

As we continue to celebrate our Nation’s Birthday; Independence Day, let us reflect on why the USA was founded. Our fore-fathers sought freedom of religion and the right to have separation of church and state; in order that the government should not interfere with the Church. That right along with freedom of speech was established in Congress, July 4, 1776 declared in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. Among the liberties afforded in these rights are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Our founding fathers clearly provided for the right to proclaim the Gospel, the good news of the written word of the God in the Holy Bible. In these days we can still maintain this right, though we face much opposition at times. I believe that God is doing a new work in us today. He is revitalizing the Church, making us string to overcome adversity.

Church! We have a future and a hope in Christ, our hope in glory! Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. We have Now faiths folks! Speaking those things that are not as though they are. It is evident that God is bringing the Church in to a fresh new bond of unity in the Spirit. Speak to the mountains in our lives, that they be moved. Slay the giants in our lives, overcoming various trials, Go through doors God opens for us; there are no naysayers that can keep us from going through. Only God can open and close the doors. He equips us to do what man does not understand for His ways are higher! The words from this worship song “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone; because I know He holds the future, and life is worth the living just because He lives!” This always lifts me up right where I need to be. Folks, prayer and praise bring us into the presence of God, to hear from Him. Life’s challenges strengthen us as a fuel to pass the test. Wisdom increases discernment and perseverance to overcome that which might have caused us to retreat. Yet we advance forward with power to overcome.
Personally I have recently rededicated my life to Jesus. With full surrender and fervent effectual prayer. With a renewed commitment to go higher and deeper. As the body is coming into the Spirit of Unity. With courage we can take authority. We are blessed in the city, blessed in the field; blessed when we come and when we go. When it is well with the righteous the city rejoices. Perhaps you can say with me these words from a song that I hear on Christian radio often “I lay me down, I’m not my own; I belong to you alone, lay me down- lay me down.” In seasons and times of refreshing; we receive power from the Holy Spirit to bring light into the darkness. Trials produce perseverance, character and hope. Romans 5:5 – Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Church! We have a great future hope in Christ Jesus.
Tomaso DeBenedictis

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